
来源:深交所 2015-12-02 00:00:00

Operational Guidelines for Account

Conversion Investors Related to the

Stock-for-stock Merger of China Merchants

Property Development Co., Ltd. by China

Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings

Co., Ltd. and the Listing of A and B-share

Securities in SZSE

December, 2015


Part I: Business Notice .................................................................................................................... 3

I. Classification of B-share Investors ............................................................................. 3

II. Classification of Investors of Operational Guidelines............................................. 3

III. Comparison Table of Main Differences between B-shares and A-shares ........... 4

Part II Operational Guidelines for Investors ............................................................................... 7

Chapter I Domestic Individual Investor ............................................................................... 7

Section I Business-related Organizations ...................................................................... 9

Section II Establish Association Relationship between Subaccount of A-shares and

Subaccount of B-shares................................................................................................. 10

Section III Determine the Custody Unit of CMSIZH A-shares ................................ 12

Section IV Transfer Registration Restricted Account ............................................... 13

Section V Trading Cost................................................................................................. 17

Section VI Inquiry Business ......................................................................................... 18

Section VII Change of Account Information .............................................................. 19

Section VIII General Meeting of Shareholders .......................................................... 20

Section IX Allotment of Shares .................................................................................... 21

Section X Cancellation of Transfer Registration Restricted Account ...................... 22

Section XI Pledge, Freezing and Non-trading Transfer of Account ......................... 23

Chapter II Foreign Investors for Domestic Transaction ................................................... 24

Section I Business-related Organizations .................................................................... 26

Section II Determine the Custody Unit of CMSIZH A-shares .................................. 27

Section III Transfer Registration Restricted Account ............................................... 28

Section IV Trading Cost ............................................................................................... 33

Section V Inquiry Business ........................................................................................... 35

Section VI Change of Account Information ............................................................... 36

Section VII General Meeting of Shareholders ............................................................ 37

Section VIII Allotment of Shares ................................................................................. 38

Section IX Cancellation of Transfer Registration Restricted Account .................... 39

Section X Pledge, Freezing and Non-trading Transfer of Account .......................... 40

Chapter III Foreign Investor for Non-domestic Transaction ........................................... 41

Section I Business-related Organizations .................................................................... 43

Section II Determine the Custody Unit of CMSIZH A-shares .................................. 44

Section III Transfer Registration Restricted Account ............................................... 45

Section IV Trading Cost ............................................................................................... 50

Section V Inquiry Business ........................................................................................... 52

Section VI Change of Account Information ............................................................... 53

Section VII General Meeting of Shareholders ............................................................ 54

Section VIII Allotment of Shares ................................................................................. 55

Section IX Cancellation of Transfer Registration Restricted Account .................... 56

Section X Pledge, Freezing and Non-trading Transfer of Account .......................... 57


Special notes

The scheme on stock-for-stock merger of China Merchants Property

Development Co., Ltd. by China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co.,

Ltd. and listing in SZSE has been reviewed and approved by the General Meeting of

Shareholders of CMSIZH and CMPD respectively on October 9, 2015. On November

27, 2015, China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the Official Reply on

Approval of Stock-for-stock Merger of China Merchants Property Development Co.,

Ltd. by China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd. and Raising of

Supporting Funds (Z.J.X.K [2015] No. 2766).

In order to ensure smooth implementation of this stock-for-stock merger and to

guide the investors to complete the operation businesses of account conversion related

to the transfer from the ZSJB shares to the CMSIZH A-shares, the Operational

Guidelines has been prepared based on communications and discussions among all

related parties.

Part of basic procedures concerning this account conversion, such as the

withdrawal registration of B-shares and initial registration of A-shares, will be further

defined by relevant regulatory organizations or executive organizations by issuing

documents or notices. This Operational Guidelines just serve as general description

and the specific operational procedures shall be subject to the documents or notices

issued by relevant regulatory organizations or executive organizations.

This Operational Guidelines are prepared in both Chinese and English. In case of

any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Part I: Business Notice

As many types of investors are involved in this stock-for-stock merger of CMPD

by CMSIZH and the business operations relating to the account conversion of

different investors vary, in order to guarantee that all types of investors can conduct

transactions smoothly after ZSJB shares are converted into CMSIZH A-shares, we

hope that investors can carefully read the following instructions on the type of

investors, confirm which one you fall into and read corresponding part in Part II

“Operational Guidelines for Investors” herein to complete account conversion and

subsequent business operations.

I. Classification of B-share Investors

Investor is classified into domestic investor, foreign investor for domestic

transaction and foreign investor for non-domestic transaction in accordance with the

identity type of the investor and declaration ways for future transactions.

Type of Investor Standard of Classification

Domestic individual The domestic individual investor who opens a B-share securities

investor account in domestic securities company and conducts transaction

through the transaction system of domestic securities company

Foreign investor for The foreign investor who opens a B-share securities account in

domestic transaction domestic securities company and conducts transaction through

the transaction system of domestic securities company

Foreign investor for The foreign investor who opens an independent B-share

non-domestic transaction securities account in foreign broker and conducts transaction

through the foreign broker.

II. Classification of Investors of Operational Guidelines

Account conversion procedures and subsequent operations involved in this

stock-for-stock merger of CMPD by CMSIZH are classified and operated in


accordance with the types of investor shown below After confirming the type of

B-share securities account, investor can understand his/her own type in accordance

with the following standards of classification and accordingly read corresponding

contents of this Guidelines to operate this account conversion business:

Type of Investor Standard of Classification Corresponding Contents of

Operational Guidelines

Domestic individual The domestic individual investor Part II “Chapter I Domestic

investor who opens a B-share securities Individual Investor”

account in domestic securities

company and conducts transaction

through the transaction system of

domestic securities company

Foreign investor for The foreign investor who opens a Part II “Chapter II Foreign

domestic transaction B-share securities account in Investor for Domestic

domestic securities company and Transaction”

conducts transaction through the

transaction system of domestic

securities company

Foreign investor for The foreign investor who opens an Part II “Chapter III Foreign

non-domestic independent B-share securities Investor for Non-domestic

transaction account in foreign broker and Transaction”

conducts transaction through the

foreign broker.

III. Comparison Table of Main Differences between B-shares and A-shares

Contents of Comparison B-shares A-shares

Monday to Friday, trading Monday to Friday, trading

Trading date suspended on Saturday, suspended on Saturday,

Sunday and national holidays Sunday and national holidays


Market order: The quotation Market order: The quotation

is made at the market price is made at the market price

and the declaration can only and the declaration can only

Way of order quotation be made during continuous be made during continuous

trading hours trading hours

Limit order: The quotation is Limit order: The quotation is

made at a specified price made at a specified price

9:15 to 9:20: Accept the trade 9:15 to 9:20: Accept the trade

declaration and the declaration and the

cancellation cancellation

9:20 to 9:25: Accept the trade 9:20 to 9:25: Accept the trade

The trade declaration is

declaration, but do not accept declaration, but do not accept

processed by the system of

the declaration of cancellation the declaration of cancellation

exchange before opening

9:25 to 9:30: Accept the trade 9:25 to 9:30: Accept the trade

declaration and the declaration and the

declaration of cancellation, declaration of cancellation,

but do not process it but do not process it

9:30 to 11:30 and 13:00 to 9:30 to 11:30 and 13:00 to

Continuous trading hours

14:57 14:57

Stage of closing call auction 14:57 to 15:00 14:57 to 15:00

Minimum declared quantity

of buying for single 100 shares 100 shares


Quantity sold less than the

Zero share, one-off sale Zero share, one-off sale

minimum declared quantity

declared declared

for single transaction

Minimum fluctuating price HKD 0.01 RMB 0.01

Limit of change 10% 10%

Rotary trading day T + 1 day T + 1 day


Shares are delivered on the T

Settlement system T + 3 day + 0 day, while the fund is

delivered on the T + 1 day

Margin trading None Yes

The above differences are concluded only by making comparison between the

B-shares and A-shares, which are not applicable to the all the investors after ZSJB

shares are converted into CMSIZH A-shares. Different business operations apply to

different types of investors; for details, please refer to corresponding contents in the

Part II herein.


Part II Operational Guidelines for Investors

Chapter I Domestic Individual Investor

In order to guarantee that investors can conduct transactions smoothly after ZSJB

shares are converted into CMSIZH A-shares, the domestic individual investors, to

which this Chapter is applicable, shall fully understand and confirm the matters

shown below:

1. With respect to the investor who holds the CMSIZH A-shares as the shares are

not sold at the last trading day of ZSJB shares and fails to validly declare the cash

option, sale of shares in future will be liquidated by RMB and settled by RMB finally.

2. Investor needs to contact the securities company where transactions of B-share

securities account are made, which will apply to the CSDC to establish association

relationship between the subaccount of A-shares and subaccount of B-shares under

the one password account instead. For detailed operation definitions and procedures,

please refer to relevant contents specified in “Section II Establish Association

Relationship between Subaccount of A-shares and Subaccount of B-shares” of this


3. With respect to the investor who has no A-share securities account under the

one password account or has not confirmed the association relationship despite having

an A-share securities account (hereinafter referred to as “Lack of Corresponding

A-share Securities Account” as at December 7, 2015, CMSIZH will apply to the

CSDC to allocate one transfer registration restricted account which only can make the

sell order declaration. Investors shall fully understand the restrictions on trading;

4. It is required that the investor who is allocated the transfer registration

restricted account shall handle formalities relating to sale in the securities company in

accordance with the requirements of the securities company prior to sale;


5. Investor shall confirm that he/she is the investor, to which this Chapter is

applied, otherwise, potentially, relevant contents of this Operational Guidelines are

not complete applicable;

6. Investors shall fully understand the differences of trading rules and expenses

between B-shares and A-shares;

7. Stock code of trade declaration of CMSIZH A-shares is [ ] and name of

securities is “[ ]”;

8. Investors shall continuously pay attention to relevant announcements issued

by CMPD and CMSIZH and learn the progress of this stock-for-stock merger;

9. Investors may inquire of the securities company where transactions of B-share

securities account are made about the specific ways of business operation relating to

the account conversion.

10. Any investor who is involved in the agreed repurchase shall handle the earlier

repurchase formalities no later than the trading day prior to the registration date of

stock-for-stock merger; with respect to the investor involved in the repurchase by

stock pledge, the pledge originally set up will remain effective on the new code.


Section I Business-related Organizations

Full name of Abbreviation in this

Main relevant matters

organization Guidelines

China Merchants

Shekou Industrial

CMSIZH Information disclosure

Zone Holdings Co.,


China Merchants


CMPD, ZSJB shares Information disclosure

Development Co.,


China Securities

Depository and Allocation of transfer registration restricted


Clearing account

Corporation Limited

Shenzhen Stock Restrictions on buy order declaration of


Exchange transfer registration restricted account

Handle all business applications of investors

and consultation, communication and notice;

assist investors in opening A-share securities

Domestic securities Domestic securities

account, confirm the association relationship

companies companies

between the A-share account and B-share

account and handling relevant formalities

required by sale of shares


Section II Establish Association Relationship between Subaccount of

A-shares and Subaccount of B-shares

After the unified account platform of CSDC goes online, the one password

account will be set up for investor on the basis of the original A-share securities

account B-share securities account in SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) and SZSE

which will be used to summarize and record the holding and changes of securities

under each subaccount of investor, and the original securities account will be used to

record the specific situations relating to particular trading places that investor

participates in or be used to record the holding and changes of particular types of

securities of investor in the subaccount, and association relationship will be

established between the one password account and subaccount.

1. With respect to the investor who has A-share securities account and B-share

securities account under the one password account and has confirmed the association

relationship, CMSIZH A-shares will be initially registered in the A-share securities

account after the withdrawal of ZSJB shares has been registered.

The investor who has 2 A-share securities accounts or above under the one

password account and has confirmed the association relationship may choose the

A-share securities account as the account that CMSIZH A-shares will be initially

registered in the following order: firstly, choose the A-share securities account

consistent with the information declaration broker and entrusted broker of ZSJB

shares; secondly, choose the A-share securities account opened lately as the account

that CMSIZH A-shares will be initially registered.

2. It is suggested that the investor who has A-share securities account and

B-share securities account under the one password account, but has not confirmed the

association relationship should handle the formalities relating to the confirmation of

association relationship in the securities company where transactions of B-share

securities account are made prior to December 7, 2015.

3. The investor who has B-share securities account under the one password


account, but has not opened A-share securities account may open A-share securities

account and confirm the association relationship prior to December 7, 2015. It is

suggest that investors should handle the opening of A-share securities account in

business department of broker where transactions of B-share securities account are

made. With respect to the investor who has no A-share securities account under the

one password account or has not confirmed the association relationship despite having

an A-share securities account (hereinafter referred to as “Lack of Corresponding

A-share Securities Account” as at the aforesaid date, CMSIZH will apply to the

CSDC to allocate one transfer registration restricted account. Please refer to “Section

III Transfer Registration Restricted Account”. CMSIZH A-shares will be initially

registered in the transfer registration restricted account after the withdrawal of ZSJB

shares has been registered.

Please note that the investor firstly needs to check that A-share securities account

and B-share securities account are under the same one password account and the

association relationship between them has been confirmed with the securities

company where transactions of B-share securities account are made; in case

information between A-share account and B-share account is not consistent, the

investor should contact the securities company where transactions of B-share

securities account are made as early as possible, modify the account information and

handle the formalities relating to the transfer and confirmation of association



Section III Determine the Custody Unit of CMSIZH A-shares

As SZSE implements the shares custody transfer trading system, one investor

may have more than one custody unit under one securities account. Therefore, after

the association relationship between A-share securities account and B-share securities

account has been confirmed, custody unit of CMSIZH A-shares will be determined in

accordance with the principles shown below after stock conversion:

1. Domestic securities company must designate the custody unit of A-shares

corresponding to each custody unit of B-shares prior to the designated deadline,

which shall ensure investors can normally trade the CMSIZH A-shares, and CMSIZH

A-shares will be held in custody in the custody unit of A-shares corresponding to the

original custody unit of B-shares after ZSJB shares are converted into CMSIZH


2. Where the securities company fails to contact CSDC and designate the

custody unit of A-shares, A-shares will be transferred to the custody unit designated

by CMS, and investor may contact the CMS directly to handle custody transfer or

make transaction directly.

Contact information relating to the consultation and business of CMS:

Contact person: China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.

National customer service telephone: 95565

Overseas hotline: 86-755-26951111

Fax: 0755-26450088

Email: sbox@cmschina.com.cn


Section IV Transfer Registration Restricted Account

I. Allocation of transfer registration restricted account and third-party depository

business handling

With respect to the domestic individual investor who has no A-share securities

account under the one password account or has not confirmed the association

relationship despite having an A-share securities account (hereinafter referred to as

“Lack of Corresponding A-share Securities Account”, CMSIZH will apply to the

CSDC to allocate one transfer registration restricted account to the aforesaid investor

freely in accordance with the information of B-share securities account. As this

securities account is restricted, only the sell order declaration can be made.

The securities company will notify investors of relevant matters concerning the

allocation of transfer registration restricted account by network, telephone, text

message, announcement in places of business, etc. Business department of each

securities company will assist the investor in opening the RMB settlement function

for the original R-share fund account, and investor is required to handle the

third-party depository formalities for the transfer registration restricted account in the

business department of securities account before making subsequent sell order

transactions relating to the transfer registration restricted account.

Investor is required to sign the third-party depository agreement and handle the

third-party depository formalities relating to the fund account in accordance with

relevant regulations concerning third-party depository business of fund account

specified by the securities company. The general handling procedures are that the

securities company sends the predesignated information relating to the fund account

with RMB settlement function to the third-party depository bank, investor handles

third-party depository formalities of fund account in the business branch of depository

bank and then the third-party deposit of investor’s fund account is achieved. Investor

may inquire of the securities company where transactions of B-share securities

account are made about the specific procedures for business handling and required



After the transfer registration restricted account is allocated, investor may inquire

the securities company that CMSIZH A-shares obtained from stock conversion have

been automatically transferred into the transfer registration restricted account of

investor by inquiry counter, telephone, online trading system, etc. After listing of

CMSIZH A-shares, investor may sell the CMSIZH A-shares in the original trading

procedures of B-share securities account.

II. Way of order

After listing of CMSIZH A-shares, way of sell order relating to the investor’s

transfer registration restricted account will be declared in the way of order that

investor has applied to the business department of securities company where

transactions of transfer registration restricted account are made to open; where the

online trading order has been opened, investor may login in the online trading system

through the original B-shares’ fund account number and trading password with RMB

settlement function, inquire about the remaining CMSIZH A-shares and fund balance

of transfer registration restricted account and make sell order declaration.

III. Real-time market situation

Investor may obtain the real-time market situation and information of and

suspension and resumption of trading relating to the CMSIZH A-shares through the

existing market situation display channel and way of the securities company where

transactions of transfer registration restricted account are made, such as on-site

self-service terminal of business department, online trading client terminal, etc.

IV Main trading rules

Stock code of sell order declaration of CMSIZH A-shares is “[ ]” and name of

securities is “[ ]”. The way of sell order declaration is basically same as the operation

of B-shares.

(I) Limit of change

A-shares shall not increase or decrease by 10% from the closing price of last

trading day within trading hours that day.

New shares listed initially are free of the limit of change.


Limit of change on ST shares and the shares that split share structure reform has

not been finished is 5%.

(II) Rotary trading system

The T + 1 rotary trading system is implemented for the A-shares, namely, the

shares brought that day can be sold in the following day. The investor relating to the

transfer registration restricted account is only allowed to make the sell order

declaration, so the rotary trading is not applicable.

(III) Trading unit

The transfer registration restricted account can only make the sell order and the

declared quantity shall be 100 shares or its integral multiple. One-off sale declaration

shall be made for the remaining shares less than 100 shares.

(IV) Minimum fluctuating price

Minimum fluctuating unit of declared price of A-shares is RMB 0.01.

(V) Trading hours

Monday to Friday (excluding the national holidays and day of suspension of

trading stipulated by exchange);

9:15 to 9:25 of each trading day is the stage of opening call auction, wherein:

9:15 a.m. to 9:20 a.m.: Accept the trade declaration and the cancellation

9:20 a.m. to 9:25 a.m.: Accept the trade declaration, but do not accept the

declaration of cancellation

The order that is not made during the call auction will automatically enter into

the continuous auction;

From 9:30 to 11:30 and from 13:00 to 14:57 of each trading day is the time of

continuous auction;

14:57 to 15:00 is the stage of closing call auction

V. Liquidation and settlement

Same rules are applied in transfer registration restricted account and ordinary

A-share securities account and shares are liquidated and settled on the T + 0 day,

which means that the quantity of shares equal to the quantity of shares sold and

concluded that day (T day) by the investor will be decreased in the securities account


that day; the fund is settled on the T + 1 day, which means that the investor can

withdraw the fund obtained from the sale of shares that day (T day) in the following

trading day (T + 1 day).

VI. Payment of fund

As the fund account with RMB settlement function has been opened and the

third-party formalities have been handled in accordance with the current account

opening requirements relating to the of A-share securities account, the investor may

transfer and withdraw the fund obtained from the sale of shares through the

third-party depository bank of A-shares on the T + 1 day.

Investor cannot complete the sell order of CMSIZH A-shares through the transfer

registration restricted account until the transfer registration restricted account has been

opened in the securities company where transactions of transfer registration restricted

account will be made and third-party depository formalities have been handled, so the

investor needs to handle relevant business formalities in the business department of

securities company as early as possible.

VII. Capitalizing of common reserves, bonus shares and dividend distribution

The capitalizing of common reserves, registration of bonus shares and dividend

distribution relating to the shares in the transfer registration restricted account shall be

handled by reference to the existing normal A-share account.

VIII. Differentiated dividend tax

Calculation and withholding of differentiated dividend tax are handled in

accordance with the existing business rules.


Section V Trading Cost

Trading cost relating to the investor who has established association relationship

between the subaccount of A-shares and subaccount of B-shares and the investor who

is allocated the transfer registration restricted account is same as the current

transaction cost of ordinary A-share securities account.

Ordinary Ordinary Transfer

Name of Trading B-share A-share Registration


Cost Securities Securities Restricted

Account Account Account

Commission for Refer to original

domestic transaction

account opening commission of √ √ √

securities A-share or

company B-share

0.1% (only

Stamp tax √ √ √

charge the seller)

0.05% (charged


based on the √


trading amount)


Section VI Inquiry Business

After ZSJB shares are converted into CMSIZH A-shares, the investor who has

established one password association relationship between the subaccount of A-shares

and subaccount of B-shares may inquire about the remaining securities in the account

and balance of fund in the current inquiry way relating to the securities account in the

securities company where transactions of A-share securities account are made; the

investor who is allocated the transfer registration restricted account may make an

inquiry in the current inquiry way relating to the securities account in the securities

company where transactions of transfer registration restricted account are made.

In addition, all investors may obtain all the disclosed information relating to this

stock-for-stock conversion from the website of SZSE (http://www.szse.cn/).


Section VII Change of Account Information

The information relating to the transfer registration restricted account is copied

from current information of investor’s B-share securities. The investor whose identity

information is changed is required to contact the securities company promptly, which

is required to promptly handle the information change to the B-share securities

account and transfer registration restricted account to ensure consistency.


Section VIII General Meeting of Shareholders

After the custody relationship for the transfer registration restricted account has

been established and third-party depository formalities have been handled, investors

may make the online voting in accordance with the current voting procedures for the

ordinary A-share securities account.

Investors may also attend the General Meeting of Shareholders and make the

voting on the scene in person or by proxy. With respect to the investors who intends to

be present at the meeting, at the day of General Meeting of Shareholders, individual

investors shall hold stock account card (the investors allocated the transfer registration

restricted account may only hold the original B-share securities account card),

personal ID card or other valid certificates or paper of identification that can prove the

identity); representative of institutional investors shall hold the stock account card

(the investors allocated the transfer registration restricted account may only hold the

original B-share securities account card) and certificate provided by the unit of

shareholder when attending the General Meeting of Shareholders. Agent shall also

present the power of attorney and valid personal ID.


Section IX Allotment of Shares

Before foreign residents can subscribe A-shares, or foreign residents sell all

CMSIZH A-shares held by them, CMSIZH will take the fact that the part of trading

rights relating to the A-share securities account are restricted with extreme caution

and fully consider fairness of participation right of various investors when handling

relevant matters including allotment of shares.


Section X Cancellation of Transfer Registration Restricted Account

When remaining CMSIZH A-shares in the transfer registration restricted account

of an investor is zero, the securities company where transactions of transfer

registration restricted account are made may cancel the transfer registration restricted



Section XI Pledge, Freezing and Non-trading Transfer of Account

1. Pledge, non-trading transfer business: are handled in accordance with relevant

business rules of CSDC.

2. Judicial business: is implemented with assistance provided by each securities

company and CSDC.


Chapter II Foreign Investors for Domestic Transaction

In order to guarantee that investors can conduct transactions smoothly after ZSJB

shares are converted into CMSIZH A-shares, the foreign individual investors and

foreign institutional investors for domestic transaction, to which this Chapter is

applicable, shall fully understand and confirm the matters shown below:

1. With respect to the investor who holds the CMSIZH A-shares as the shares are

not sold at the last trading day of ZSJB shares and fails to validly declare the cash

option, sale of shares in future will be liquidated by RMB and settled by HKD finally

by each securities company after purchasing foreign exchange through the foreign

exchange purchase bank, and the exchange rate when purchasing foreign exchange

uses the selling price of spot exchange of RMB to HKD on the T + 2 day (T day is the

trading day) when the foreign exchange purchase bank purchasing foreign exchange;

2. With respect to the foreign individual investors and foreign institutional

investors for domestic transaction, to which this Chapter is applicable, CMSIZH

will apply to the CSDC to allocate one transfer registration restricted account which

only can makes the sell order declaration. Relevant investors shall fully understand

the restrictions on trading;

3. An investor shall confirm that he/she is the investor, to which this Chapter is

applied, otherwise, potentially, relevant contents of this Operational Guidelines are

not complete applicable;

4. Investors shall fully understand the differences of trading rules and expenses

between B-shares and A-shares;

5. Stock code of trade declaration of CMSIZH A-shares is [ ] and name of

securities is “[ ]”;

6. Investors shall continuously pay attention to relevant announcements issued

by CMPD and CMSIZH and learn the progress of this stock-for-stock merger;

7. Investor may inquire of the securities company where transactions of B-share

securities account are made about the specific ways of business operation relating to


the account conversion.

8. Any investor who is involved in the agreed repurchase shall handle the earlier

repurchase formalities no later than the trading day prior to the registration date of

stock-for-stock merger; with respect to the investor involved in the repurchase by

stock pledge, the pledge originally set up will remain effective on the new code.


Section I Business-related Organizations

Full name of Abbreviation in this

Main relevant matters

organization Guidelines

China Merchants

Shekou Industrial

CMSIZH Information disclosure

Zone Holdings Co.,


China Merchants


CMPD, ZSJB shares Information disclosure

Development Co.,


China Securities

Depository and Allocation of transfer registration restricted


Clearing account

Corporation Limited

Shenzhen Stock Restrictions on buy order declaration of


Exchange transfer registration restricted account

Handle all business applications of investors

Domestic securities Domestic securities and consultation, communication and notice;

companies companies assist investors in handling relevant formalities

required by sale of shares


Section II Determine the Custody Unit of CMSIZH A-shares

As SZSE implements the shares custody transfer trading system, one investor

may have more than one custody unit under one securities account. Therefore,

custody unit of CMSIZH A-shares will be determined in accordance with the

principles shown below after stock conversion:

1. Domestic securities company must designate the custody unit of A-shares

corresponding to each custody unit of B-shares prior to the designated deadline,

which shall ensure investors can normally trade the CMSIZH A-shares, and CMSIZH

A-shares will be held in custody in the custody unit of A-shares corresponding to the

original custody unit of B-shares after ZSJB shares are converted into CMSIZH


2. Where the securities company fails to contact CSDC and designate the

custody unit of A-shares, A-shares will be transferred to the custody unit designated

by CMS, and investor may contact the CMS directly to handle custody transfer or

make transaction directly.

Contact information relating to the consultation and business of CMS:

Contact person: China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.

National customer service telephone: 95565

Overseas hotline: 86-755-26951111

Fax: 0755-26450088

Email: sbox@cmschina.com.cn


Section III Transfer Registration Restricted Account

I. Allocation of transfer registration restricted account

With respect to all the foreign investors, to which this Chapter is applicable,

CMSIZH will apply to the CSDC to allocate transfer registration restricted account to

the aforesaid investor freely in accordance with the information of B-share securities

account after the cash option business relating to the ZSJB shares has been completed.

As this securities account is restricted, only the sell order declaration can be made.

The securities company will notify investors of relevant matters concerning the

allocation of transfer registration restricted account by network, telephone, text

message, announcement in places of business, etc. Business department of each

securities company will assist the investor in opening the RMB settlement function

for the original R-share fund account before making subsequent sell order transactions

relating to the transfer registration restricted account.

Investors do not have to make additional operations during the process of

allocation of transfer registration restricted account. The securities company where

transaction of investors’ B-share securities account are made will notify investors of

relevant matters concerning the allocation of transfer registration restricted account by

network, telephone, text message, announcement in places of business, etc. prior to

the listing of CMSIZH A-shares. Please pay attention to relevant notices and


After the transfer registration restricted account is allocated, investor may inquire

the securities company that CMSIZH A-shares obtained from stock conversion have

been automatically transferred into the transfer registration restricted account by

inquiry counter, telephone, online trading system, etc. After listing of CMSIZH

A-shares, investor may sell the CMSIZH A-shares in the original trading procedures

of B-share securities account.

II. Way of order


After listing of CMSIZH A-shares, way of sell order relating to the investor’s

transfer registration restricted account will be declared in the way of order that

investor has applied to the business department of securities company where

transactions of transfer registration restricted account are made to open; where the

online trading order has been opened, investor may login in the online trading system

through the original B-shares’ fund account number and trading password with RMB

settlement function, inquire about the remaining CMSIZH A-shares and fund balance

of transfer registration restricted account and make sell order declaration.

III. Real-time market situation

Investor may obtain the real-time market situation and information of and

suspension and resumption of trading relating to the CMSIZH A-shares through the

existing market situation display channel and way of the securities company where

transactions of transfer registration restricted account are made, such as on-site

self-service terminal of business department, online trading client terminal, etc.

IV Main trading rules

Stock code of sell order declaration of CMSIZH A-shares is [ ] and name of

securities is “[ ]”. The way of sell order declaration is basically same as the operation

of B-shares.

(I) Limit of change

A-shares shall not increase or decrease by 10% from the closing price of last

trading day within trading hours that day.

New shares listed initially are free of the limit of change.

Limit of change on ST shares and the shares that split share structure reform has

not been finished is 5%.

(II) Rotary trading system

The T + 1 rotary trading system is implemented for the A-shares, namely, the

shares brought that day can be sold in the following day. The investor relating to the

transfer registration restricted account is only allowed to make the sell order

declaration, so the rotary trading is not applicable.

(III) Trading unit


The transfer registration restricted account can only make the sell order

declaration and the declared quantity shall be 100 shares or its integral multiple.

One-off sale declaration shall be made for the remaining shares less than 100 shares.

(IV) Minimum fluctuating price

Minimum fluctuating unit of declared price of A-shares is RMB 0.01.

(V) Transaction date

Monday to Friday (excluding the national holidays and day of suspension of

trading stipulated by exchange);

9:15 to 9:25 of each trading day is the stage of opening call auction, wherein:

9:15 a.m. to 9:20 a.m.: Accept the trade declaration and the cancellation

9:20 a.m. to 9:25 a.m.: Accept the trade declaration, but do not accept the

declaration of cancellation

The order that is not made during the call auction will automatically enter into

the continuous auction;

From 9:30 to 11:30 and from 13:00 to 14:57 of each trading day is the time of

continuous auction;

14:57 to 15:00 is the stage of closing call auction

V. Liquidation and settlement

Same rules are applied in transfer registration restricted account and ordinary

A-share securities account and shares are liquidated and settled on the T + 0 day,

which means that the quantity of shares equal to the quantity of shares sold and

concluded that day (T day) by the investor will be decreased in the securities account

that day; the RMB fund is settled on the T + 1 day, which means that the investor can

withdraw the RMB fund obtained from the sale of shares that day (T day) in the

following trading day (T + 1 day).

With respect to the foreign investors, to which this Chapter is applicable to, the

RMB fund obtained from sale of shares cannot be used, withdrawn and required to be

converted into HKD in accordance with requirements of State Administration of

Foreign Exchange, namely, the securities company converts the RMB fund into HKD

and make the settlement. Therefore, the RMB fund obtained from sale of shares of


investor’s transfer registration restricted account will be settled on the T + 1 day; the

HKD fund that can be withdrawn finally will be settled on the T + 3 day after foreign

exchange purchase bank has purchased foreign exchange, which means the investor

may apply to the securities company to withdraw the HKD obtained from sale of

shares on the T + 3 day. Investor may inquire of the securities company where

transactions of transfer registration account are made about the specific ways of


VI. Payment of fund

Investor may send withdrawal application to the securities company on and

following T + 3 day. The withdrawal application procedures are same as the current

withdrawal procedures of investor’s B-shares. After withdrawal application

procedures pass the internal audit of the securities company, the securities company

transfer the net amount of HKD fund that investor applies for withdrawal to the

investor after deducting charges for remittance.

Before the investor makes the withdrawal application, the interest accrued when

HKD fund is deposited in each domestic security company and current interest of

HKD within the same period will be settled with the investor and included in the fund

account of investor accordingly on the value date.

In case that any foreign investor has intention to hold RMB, the investor needs to

make an application to the custody securities company for cross-border RMB

payment; the securities company will submit the required application file relating to

the cross-border RMB payment to China Merchants Bank, which, finally, will transfer

the cross-border RMB to the account of investor in the foreign bank directly as

entrusted the securities company. This way of payment is to be announced and

implemented separately when we have obtained the approval of relevant regulatory

departments and developed corresponding technologies.

VII. Capitalizing of common reserves, bonus shares and dividend distribution

The capitalizing of common reserves, registration of bonus shares and dividend

distribution relating to the shares in the transfer registration restricted account shall be

handled by reference to the existing normal A-share account.



Section IV Trading Cost

The foreign investor who opens the transfer registration restricted account is

required to pay commission, stamp tax, etc. same as the current ordinary A-share

securities account and the foreign exchange purchase expenses of RMB to HKD and

charges for remittance of HKD. Currently, the foreign exchange purchase of HKD

involves no additional expenses and the exchange rate when purchasing foreign

exchange uses the selling price of spot exchange of RMB to HKD on the T + 2 day

(must be the opening day of foreign exchange market) when the foreign exchange

purchase bank purchasing foreign exchange. Charges for remittance of HKD are

subject to the charges of the foreign exchange purchase bank.

Ordinary Ordinary Transfer

Name of Trading B-share A-share Registration


Cost Securities Securities Restricted

Account Account Account

Commission for Refer to original

domestic transaction

account opening commission of √ √ √

securities A-share or

company B-share

0.1% (only

Stamp tax √ √ √

charge the seller)

0.05% (charged


based on the √


trading amount)

It is handled in

accordance with

the selling price

of spot exchange


of RMB to USD


when the foreign



expense of HKD

purchase bank




Charges for Charges for

remittance of remittance of


HKD HKD are subject

to the charges of

the foreign


purchase bank.


Section V Inquiry Business

After ZSJB shares are converted into the transfer registration restricted account

of CMSIZH, the investor may inquire about the remaining securities in the account

and balance of fund in the current inquiry way relating to the securities account in the

securities company where transactions of transfer registration restricted account are


In addition, all investors may obtain all the disclosed information relating to this

stock-for-stock conversion from the website of SZSE (http://www.szse.cn/).


Section VI Change of Account Information

The information relating to the transfer registration restricted account is copied

from current information of investor’s B-share securities. The investor whose identity

information is changed is required to contact the securities company promptly, which

is required to promptly handle the information change to the B-share securities

account and transfer registration restricted account to ensure consistency.


Section VII General Meeting of Shareholders

After the custody relationship for the transfer registration restricted account has

been established, investor may make the online voting in accordance with the current

voting procedures for the ordinary A-share securities account.

Investor may also attend the General Meeting of Shareholders and make the

voting on the scene in person or by proxy. With respect to the investor who intends to

be present at the meeting, at the day of General Meeting of Shareholders, individual

investor shall hold stock account card (the investor allocated the transfer registration

restricted account may only hold the original B-share securities account card),

personal ID card or other valid certificates or paper of identification that can prove the

identity); representative of institutional investor shall hold the stock account card of

the unit of shareholder (the investor allocated the transfer registration restricted

account may only hold the original B-share securities account card) and certificate

provided by the unit of shareholder when attending the General Meeting of

Shareholders. Agent shall also present the power of attorney and valid personal ID.


Section VIII Allotment of Shares

Before foreign residents can subscribe A-shares, or foreign residents sell all

CMSIZH A-shares held by them, CMSIZH will take the fact that the part of trading

rights relating to the A-share securities account are restricted with extreme caution

and fully consider fairness of participation right of various investors when handling

relevant matters including allotment of shares.


Section IX Cancellation of Transfer Registration Restricted Account

When remaining CMSIZH A-shares in the transfer registration restricted account

of investor is zero, the securities company where transactions of transfer registration

restricted account are made may cancel the transfer registration restricted account.


Section X Pledge, Freezing and Non-trading Transfer of Account

1. Pledge, non-trading transfer business: are handled in accordance with relevant

business rules of CSDC.

2. Judicial business: is implemented with assistance provided by each securities

company and CSDC.


Chapter III Foreign Investor for Non-domestic Transaction

In order to guarantee that investors can conduct transactions smoothly after ZSJB

shares are converted into CMSIZH A-shares, the foreign individual investors and

foreign institutional investors for non-domestic transaction, to which this Chapter is

applicable, shall fully understand and confirm the matters shown below:

1. With respect to the investor who holds the CMSIZH A-shares as the shares are

not sold at the last trading day of ZSJB shares and fails to validly declare the cash

option, sale of shares in future will be liquidated by RMB and settled by HKD finally

by the securities company where transactions of transfer registration restricted

account are made after purchasing foreign exchange through the foreign exchange

purchase bank, and the exchange rate when purchasing foreign exchange uses the

selling price of spot exchange of RMB to HKD on the T + 2 day (T day is the trading

day) when the foreign exchange purchase bank purchasing foreign exchange;

2. With respect to the foreign individual investors and foreign institutional

investors for non-domestic transaction, to which this Chapter is applicable, CMSIZH

will apply to the CSDC to allocate one transfer registration restricted account which

only can makes the sell order declaration, and relevant investors shall fully understand

the restrictions on trading;

3. No transaction and settlement are made temporarily by securities company

after CSDC allocates transfer registration restricted account to the investor. Investor is

required to designate one domestic securities company as that where transactions of

transfer registration restricted account are made and handle formalities for opening

fund account in the business department of this securities company to achieve the

normal sale of CMSIZH A-shares from this transfer registration restricted account.

Where investor fails to declare the securities company where transactions of transfer

registration restricted account are made designated by himself/herself as at December

7, 2015, CMSIZH will entrust the CMS as the securities company where transactions

of transfer registration restricted account are made;


4. Investor shall confirm that he/she is the investor, to which this Chapter is

applied, otherwise, potentially, relevant contents of this Operational Guidelines are

not complete applicable;

5. Investors shall fully understand the differences of trading rules between

B-shares and A-shares;

6. Stock code of trade declaration of CMSIZH A-shares is [ ] and name of

securities is “[ ]”

7. Investors shall continuously pay attention to relevant announcements issued

by CMPD and CMSIZH and learn the progress of this stock-for-stock merger;

8. Investor may inquire of the securities company where transactions of transfer

registration restricted account are made about the specific ways of business operation

relating to the account conversion.

9. Any investor who is involved in the agreed repurchase shall handle the earlier

repurchase formalities no later than the trading day prior to the registration date of

stock-for-stock merger; with respect to the investor involved in the repurchase by

stock pledge, the pledge originally set up will remain effective on the new code.


Section I Business-related Organizations

Full name of Abbreviation in this

Main relevant matters

organization Guidelines

China Merchants

Shekou Industrial

CMSIZH Information disclosure

Zone Holdings Co.,


China Merchants


CMPD, ZSJB shares Information disclosure

Development Co.,


China Securities

Depository and Allocation of transfer registration restricted


Clearing account

Corporation Limited

Shenzhen Stock Restrictions on buy order declaration of


Exchange transfer registration restricted account

Provide business consultation and handling

China Merchants China Merchants

service for the investor involved in this

Securities Co., Ltd. Securities

account conversion

Handle all business applications of investors

Domestic securities Domestic securities and consultation, communication and notice;

companies companies assist investors in handling relevant formalities

required by sale of shares


Section II Determine the Custody Unit of CMSIZH A-shares

As SZSE implements the shares custody transfer trading system, one investor

may have more than one custody unit under one securities account. Therefore,

custody unit of CMSIZH A-shares will be determined in accordance with the

principles shown below after stock conversion:

1. Investor may contact CMS and designate the future custody unit of CMSIZH

A-shares prior to December 14, 2015.

2. Where investor fails to contact CSDC and designate the future custody unit of

CMSIZH A-shares prior to December 14, 2015, and transfer the custody to the

custody unit designated by CMS, the shares owned this investor will be transferred to

the custody unit designated by CMS, and investor may contact the CMS directly to

handle custody transfer or make transaction directly.

Contact information relating to the consultation and business of CMS:

Contact person: China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.

National customer service telephone: 95565

Overseas hotline: 86-755-26951111

Fax: 0755-26450088

Email: sbox@cmschina.com.cn


Section III Transfer Registration Restricted Account

I. Allocation of transfer registration restricted account

With respect to all the foreign investors, to which this Chapter is applicable,

CMSIZH will apply to the CSDC to allocate transfer registration restricted account to

the aforesaid investor freely in accordance with the information of B-share securities

account after the cash option business relating to the ZSJB shares has been completed.

As this securities account is restricted, only the sell order declaration can be made.

As B-share securities account of investor is not opened in any domestic securities

company, the investor, after knowing relevant matters concerning this account

conversion, is required to designate one domestic securities company as that where

future transactions of transfer registration restricted account will be made (see Section

II of this Chapter for details). Investor is required to handle the formalities for

opening fund account in this securities company and this securities company has

opened the fund account of transfer registration restricted account of investor, then the

inquiry and sell order declaration relating to the CMSIZH A-shares in the transfer

registration restricted account can be made.

Investor, after knowing relevant matters concerning this account conversion, is

required to determine one securities company as that where future transactions of

transfer registration restricted account will be made and handle formalities for

opening fund account in the business department of this securities company to achieve

the normal sale of CMSIZH A-shares from this transfer registration restricted account.

It is suggest that the aforesaid investor gives preference to the CMS as the securities

company where future transactions of transfer registration restricted account will be


II. Way of account opening

For detailed procedures relating to the account opening formalities, investor may

consult the CMS.


Investor cannot make the sell order declaration of CMSIZH A-shares until the

securities company where future transactions of transfer registration restricted account

will be made has been determined and account has opened in this securities company.

Investor may contact CMS (entrusted by CMSIZH) and inquire about the

information relating to the transfer registration restricted account.

Meanwhile, investor may also contact CMS and consult the business procedures

relating to the account opening, subsequent operations of transfer registration

restricted account, etc. involved in this account conversion, and may complete the

handling of aforesaid businesses in CMS. Investor, after knowing details of relevant

businesses, may also choose other domestic securities companies and handle relevant

businesses. For procedures for handling businesses, investor may consult the

securities company chosen by him/her.

Contact information relating to the consultation and business of CMS:

Contact person: China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.

National customer service telephone: 95565

Overseas hotline: 86-755-26951111

Fax: 0755-26450088

Email: sbox@cmschina.com.cn

III. Way of order

After the securities account where transactions of transfer registration restricted

account are made has completed account opening procedures for the investor, way of

sell order relating to the investor’s transfer registration restricted account will be

declared in various ways of order that investor has applied to the business department

of securities company where transactions of transfer registration restricted account are

made to open; where the online trading order has been opened, investor may login in

the online trading system through the fund account number and trading password set

when opening account, inquire about the remaining CMSIZH A-shares and fund

balance of transfer registration restricted account and make sell order declaration.

IV. Real-time market situation

Investor may obtain the real-time market situation and information of and


suspension and resumption of trading relating to the CMSIZH A-shares through the

existing market situation display channel and way of the securities company where

transactions of future transfer registration restricted account are made, such as on-site

self-service terminal of business department, online trading client terminal, etc.

V Main trading rules

Stock code of sell order declaration of CMSIZH A-shares is [ ], name of

securities is “[ ]” and the way of sell order declaration is basically same as the

operation of B-shares.

(I) Limit of change

A-shares shall not increase or decrease by 10% from the closing price of last

trading day within trading hours that day.

New shares listed initially are free of the limit of change.

Limit of change on ST shares and the shares that split share structure reform has

not been finished is 5%.

(II) Rotary trading system

The T + 1 rotary trading system is implemented for the A-shares, namely, the

shares brought that day can be sold in the following day. The investor relating to the

transfer registration restricted account is only allowed to make the sell order

declaration, so the rotary trading is not applicable.

(III) Trading unit

The transfer registration restricted account can only make the sell order

declaration and the declared quantity shall be 100 shares or its integral multiple.

One-off sale declaration shall be made for the remaining shares less than 100 shares.

(IV) Minimum fluctuating price

Minimum fluctuating unit of declared price of A-shares is RMB 0.01.

(V) Transaction date

Monday to Friday (excluding the national holidays and day of suspension of

trading stipulated by exchange);

9:15 to 9:25 of each trading day is the stage of opening call auction, wherein:

9:15 a.m. to 9:20 a.m.: Accept the trade declaration and the cancellation


9:20 a.m. to 9:25 a.m.: Accept the trade declaration, but do not accept the

declaration of cancellation

The order that is not made during the call auction will automatically enter into

the continuous auction;

From 9:30 to 11:30 and from 13:00 to 14:57 of each trading day is the time of

continuous auction;

14:57 to 15:00 is the stage of closing call auction

VI. Liquidation and settlement

Same rules are applied in transfer registration restricted account and ordinary

A-share securities account and shares are liquidated and settled on the T + 0 day,

which means that the quantity of shares equal to the quantity of shares sold and

concluded that day (T day) by the investor will be decreased in the securities account

that day; the RMB fund is settled on the T + 1 day, which means that the investor can

withdraw the RMB fund obtained from the sale of shares that day (T day) in the

following trading day (T + 1 day).

With respect to the foreign investors, to which this Chapter is applicable to, the

RMB fund obtained from sale of shares cannot be used, withdrawn and required to be

converted into HKD in accordance with requirements of State Administration of

Foreign Exchange, namely, the securities company converts the RMB fund into HKD

and make the settlement. Therefore, the RMB fund obtained from sale of shares of

investor’s transfer registration restricted account will be settled on the T + 1 day; the

HKD fund that can be withdrawn finally will be settled on the T + 3 day after foreign

exchange purchase bank has purchased foreign exchange, which means the investor

may apply to the securities company to withdraw the HKD obtained from sale of

shares on the T + 3 day. Investor may inquire of the securities company where

transactions of transfer registration account are made about the specific ways of


VII. Payment of fund

After inquiring that balance of HKD in the fund account opened in the securities

company where transactions of transfer registration restricted account are made


increases, investor may send withdrawal application to this securities company; with

respect to the details of withdrawal application procedures, formalities, final way of

payment of fund and costs, investor may inquire of this securities company.

VIII. Capitalizing of common reserves, bonus shares and dividend distribution

The capitalizing of common reserves, registration of bonus shares and dividend

distribution relating to the shares in the transfer registration restricted account shall be

handled by reference to the existing normal A-share account.


Section IV Trading Cost

The foreign investor who opens the transfer registration restricted account is

required to pay commission, stamp tax, etc. same as the current ordinary A-share

securities account and the foreign exchange purchase expenses of RMB to HKD and

charges for remittance of HKD. Currently, the foreign exchange purchase of HKD

involves no additional expenses and the exchange rate when purchasing foreign

exchange uses the selling price of spot exchange of RMB to HKD on the T + 2 day

(must be the opening day of foreign exchange market) when the foreign exchange

purchase bank purchasing foreign exchange. Charges for remittance of HKD are

subject to the charges of the foreign exchange purchase bank.

Ordinary Ordinary Transfer

Name of Trading B-share A-share Registration


Cost Securities Securities Restricted

Account Account Account

Commission for Refer to original

domestic transaction

account opening commission of √ √ √

securities A-share or

company B-share

0.1% (only

Stamp tax √ √ √

charge the seller)

0.05% (charged


based on the √


trading amount)

It is handled in

accordance with

the selling price

of spot exchange


of RMB to USD


when the foreign



expense of HKD

purchase bank




Charges for Charges for

remittance of remittance of √

HKD HKD are subject


to the charges of

the foreign


purchase bank.


Section V Inquiry Business

After ZSJB shares are converted into the transfer registration restricted account

of CMSIZH, the investor may inquire about the remaining securities in the account

and balance of fund in the current inquiry way relating to the securities account in the

securities company where transactions of transfer registration restricted account are


In addition, all investors may obtain all the disclosed information relating to this

stock-for-stock conversion from the website of SZSE (http://www.szse.cn/).


Section VI Change of Account Information

The information relating to the transfer registration restricted account is copied

from current information of investor’s B-share securities. The investor whose identity

information is changed is required to contact the securities company promptly, which

is required to promptly handle the information change to the B-share securities

account and transfer registration restricted account to ensure consistency.


Section VII General Meeting of Shareholders

After having determined the domestic securities company where transactions of

transfer registration account will be made and handled account opening procedures in

this securities company, investor may make the online voting in accordance with the

current voting procedures for the ordinary A-share securities account.

Investor may also attend the General Meeting of Shareholders and make the

voting on the scene in person or by proxy. With respect to the investor who intends to

be present at the meeting, at the day of General Meeting of Shareholders, individual

investor shall hold stock account card (the investor allocated the transfer registration

restricted account may only hold the original B-share securities account card),

personal ID card or other valid certificates or paper of identification that can prove the

identity); representative of institutional investor shall hold the stock account card of

the unit of shareholder (the investor allocated the transfer registration restricted

account may only hold the original B-share securities account card) and certificate

provided by the unit of shareholder when attending the General Meeting of

Shareholders. Agent shall also present the power of attorney and valid personal ID.

Investor who has not determined the securities company where future

transactions of transfer registration restricted account will be made and handled

account opening procedures in this securities company is required to contact the

CMSIZH and attend the General Meeting of Shareholders and vote by himself/herself.

Contact information of CMSIZH:

Address: 29/F, New Times Plaza, No. 1, Taizi Road, Shekou, Nanshan District,


Contact person: Zhu Yu

Tel.: 0755-26819627

Fax: 0755-26817225

Email: zhuyu@cmhk.com


Section VIII Allotment of Shares

Before foreign residents can subscribe A-shares, or foreign residents sell all

CMSIZH A-shares held by them, CMSIZH A-shares will take the fact that the part of

trading rights relating to the A-share securities account are restricted with extreme

caution and fully consider fairness of participation right of various investors when

handling relevant matters including allotment of shares.


Section IX Cancellation of Transfer Registration Restricted Account

When remaining CMSIZH A-shares in the transfer registration restricted account

of investor is zero, the securities company where transactions of transfer registration

restricted account are made may cancel the transfer registration restricted account.


Section X Pledge, Freezing and Non-trading Transfer of Account

1. Pledge, non-trading transfer business: are handled in accordance with relevant

business rules of CSDC.

2. Judicial business: is implemented with assistance provided by each securities

company and CSDC.


(This page is left for signature on Operational Guidelines for Account

Conversion Investors Related to the Stock-for-stock Merger of China Merchants

Property Development Co., Ltd. by China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone

Holdings Co., Ltd. and the Listing of A and B-share Securities in SZSE)

China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.




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