
来源:深交所 2015-10-30 00:00:00

Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

Stock code: 000045、200045 Stock Abbreviation: Shen Textile A、Shen Textile B Announcement No.: 2015-39

Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

The Third Quarterly Report 2015

October 30, 2015


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

I. Important notes

The Board of Directors,the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the

Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the

Quarterly Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and

completeness of the Quarterly Report.

All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.

Mr. Zhu Jun, The Company Leader, Mr. Zhu Jun, Chief financial officer and the Mr. Mu Linying, the person in

charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting ) hereby confirm the authenticity and

completeness of the financial report enclosed in the report.

This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be an discrepancy between the two versions, the

Chinese version shall prevail.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

II.Main financial data and changes of shareholders

(I)Main accounting data and financial Index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed

and accounting error correction or not.

□ Yes √ No

As at the end of the reporting Changed (%)over end of

As at the end of last year

period prev. year

Gross assets(RMB) 2,823,600,003.67 2,822,783,501.87 0.03%

Net assets attributable to the

shareholders of the listed company 2,170,300,268.68 2,196,249,248.26 -1.18%


Increase/decrease over Between beginning of

Changed (%)over

Reporting period the same period of last the year to the end of

end of prev. year

year(%) the report period

Operating income(RMB) 322,076,321.92 -5.84% 943,069,655.40 15.90%

Net profit attributable to the

shareholders of the listed company -1,485,394.97 91.03% 6,182,632.98 116.18%


Net profit after deducting of

non-recurring gain/loss attributable

-13,045,798.66 44.61% -46,430,024.13 27.28%

to the shareholders of listed


Cash flow generated by business

-- -- 39,493,015.93 160.45%

operation, net(RMB)

Basic earning per

-0.01 86.49% 0.0100 112.50%


Diluted gains per

-0.01 86.49% 0.0100 112.50%


Weighted average income/asset

-0.07% 0.66% 0.28% 1.96%


Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√Applicable □Not applicable


Amount (Year-beginning to

Items Notes

the end of the report period.)


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part


for which assets impairment provision is made)

Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain and

loss(excluding those closely related to the Company’s business 17,124,527.07

and granted under the state’s policies)

Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional financial

asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of

transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial 44,444,187.39

assets other than valid period value instruments related to the

Company’s common businesses

Switch-back of provision of impairment of account receivable


which are treated with separate depreciation test

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above 2,429,925.86

Less:Amount of influence of income tax 11,758,765.75

Total 52,612,657.11 --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on

information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and

its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure

for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as

recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recognized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information

disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

(II) Total number of shareholders and shareholding of top 10 shareholders by the end of the

report period

(1) Total number of common shareholders and shareholding of top 10 common shareholders by the end of

the report period

In Shares

Total number of shareholders at the


end of report period

Particular about shares held by top ten shareholders

Amount of Pledging or freezing

Properties of Share tradable shares

Shareholder name Quantity Status of the

shareholder proportion % with Conditional Quantity




Investment State-owned legal

46.21% 234,069,436 51,457,976

Holdings Co., person


Qianhai Life

insurance Co.,

Other 4.02% 20,384,816

Ltd.-Self funds

Huatai Portfolio




Technology 3.18% 16,129,032

Legal person

Investment Co.,


Anhui Guofu

Industrial Domestic non

Investment Funds State-owned 0.73% 3,708,341

Mangement Co., Legal person


Domestic Nature

Ying Shuai 0.67% 3,376,369


China Securities

State-owned legal

Finance Co., 0.56% 2,859,700



Domestic Nature

Li Chunbo 0.52% 2,656,025


Sun Huiming Domestic Nature 0.48% 2,432,526


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015


Domestic Nature

Liu Na 0.46% 2,340,000


China Foreign

Economic &

Trade Trust Co.,

Ltd.-Yun Feng Other 0.34% 1,706,100


Investment Trust


Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of the Share type

Name of the shareholder

reporting period Share type Quantity

Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., RMB Common

182,611,460 182,611,460

Ltd. shares

Qianhai Life insurance Co., Ltd.- RMB Common

20,384,816 20,384,816

Self funds Huatai Portfolio shares

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology RMB Common

16,129,032 16,129,032

Investment Co., Ltd. shares

Anhui Guofu Industrial Investment RMB Common

3,708,341 3,708,341

Funds Mangement Co., Ltd. shares

RMB Common

Ying Shuai 3,376,369 3,376,369


RMB Common

China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. 2,859,700 2,859,700


RMB Common

Li Chunbo 2,656,025 2,656,025


Foreign shares

placed in

Sun Huiming 2,432,526 2,432,526



RMB Common

Liu Na 2,340,000 2,340,000


China Foreign Economic & Trade

RMB Common

Trust Co., Ltd.-Yun Feng 1,706,100 1,706,100


Securities Investment Trust Fund

Explanation on shareholders Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of

participating in the margin trading Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and a person taking concerted action. Except this, the

business Company did not whether there is relationship between the top ten shareholders holding


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

non-restricted negotiable shares and between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted

negotiable shares and the top 10 shareholders or whether they are persons taking concerted

action defined in Regulations on Disclosure of Information about Shareholding of

Shareholders of Listed Companies.

1.The Company Shareholder Ying Shuai holds 0 shares through ordinary stock account. holds

3,376,369 shares of the Company through stock account with credit transaction and guarantee

of Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.,The total amount is3,376,369 shares. 2. The Company

Participation of top 10

Shareholder Li Chunbo holds 0 shares through ordinary stock account. holds 2,656,025 shares

unconditional common share

of the Company through stock account with credit transaction and guarantee of Pinan

shareholders in securities margin

Securities Co., Ltd.,The total amount is2,656,025 shares. 3. The Company Shareholder Liu

trading (if any)

Na holds 0 shares through ordinary stock account. holds 2,340,000 shares of the Company

through stock account with credit transaction and guarantee of Huaxi Securities Co.,

Ltd.,The total amount is 2,340,000 shares.

Agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10 shareholders of

unconditional common shares in the report period

□ Yes √ No

No agreed re-purchasing is performed by the Company’s shareholders in the report period.

(2) Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end

of the report period

□ Applicable√ Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

III Significant Events

I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the reporting

period, as well as reasons for the changes

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. The closing balance of monetary capital is RMB 698.7592 million, decreased by 36.58% compared with the

beginning of the year, mainly caused by the monetary capital transferred out due to the increase in structural


2.The closing balance of Notes receivable is 9.6726 million , decreased by 77.72% compared with the beginning

of the year, The main reasons are the control of bank acceptance charge and the increase in bill endorsement


3.The closing balance of Insurance receivable is 18.99 million, increased by 42.17 % compared with the

beginning of the year, Mainly due to the increase in receivable fixed deposit interest.

4. The closing balance of short-term loan is 45.7901 million, increased by 85.56% compared with the beginning

of the year, Mainly due to the increase in current fund loans in the current period.

5.The closing balance of Non-current liability due in 1 year is 35.3461 million , decreased by 53.09% compared

with the beginning of the year, Mainly caused by the return of bank loans.

6.The closing balance of Other comprehensive income is 1.2575 million, decreased by 96.23 compared with the

beginning of the year, The main reasons are the sale of available-for-sale financial assets for the company and the

transfer-out of variable profit and loss of fair value.

7.The financial cost is RMB-9.85 million, increased by 39.58% over the same time last year, mainly caused by the

decrease in interest income and the increase in exchange loss.

8.Investment income is RMB 48.802 million, increased by 146.78 % over the same time last year, The main

reason is that the investment incomes acquired from the sale of available-for-sale financial capitals are significantly

grown after compared with the previous year.

9.Non-business income is RMB 19.5881 million, increased by 50.9% over the same time last year, Mainly owning

to the increase in governmental subsidy received in the current period.

10. The net amount of cash flow from the business activities is RMB39.493 million, increased by 160.45% over

the same time last year, mainly owning to the increase in cash incomes acquired from the sale of polarizers.

11. Net cash flow generated by investment is RMB -423.9901 million, decreased by 336.89% over the same time

last year,Mainly caused by the increase in structural deposits investment in the current period.

12. Net cash flow generated by financing is RMB -22.1046 million, decreased by 296.21% over the same time last


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

year, Mainly caused by the return of bank loans.

II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on

resolving proposal.

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. The commitments of the Company and its shareholders holding over 5% of the

Company’s total shares in the report year of extending to the report year from previous year.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Commitment Time of making Period of

Commitment Contents Fulfillment

maker commitment commitment

Committed when the

restricted-for-sale shares

from the shares restructuring

were listed for circulation in

the market: i. if they plan to

sell the shares through the

securities exchange system

in the future, and the

decrease of the shares they

hold reaches 5% within 6

months after the first

Shenzhen decrease, they will disclose

Sustained and Under

Commitment on share reform Investment an announcement indicating August 4, 2006

effective Fulfillment

Holdings Co., Ltd. the sale through the

company within two trading

days before the first

decrease; ii. They shall

strictly observe the

“Guidelines on Transfer of

Restricted-for-sale Original

Shares of Listed

Companies” and the

provisions of the relevant

business principles of

Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Commitment in the acquisition

report or the report on equity


Commitment made upon the assets


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015


The commitments during no

n-public issuance period in 2

009 . Pursuant to the Letter

of Commitment and

Statement, Shenzhen

Investment Holdings Co.,

Ltd. and its wholly owned

subsidiary, subsidiaries

under control or any other

companies that have actual

control of it shall not be

involved in the business the

same as or similar to those

Shenzhen Textile currently

or will run in the future, or

any businesses or activities

that may constitute direct or

indirect competition with

Shenzhen Textile; if the

operations of Shenzhen

Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,

Sustained and Under

Commitments made upon issuance Investment Ltd. and its wholly owned October 9,2009

effective Fulfillment

Holdings Co., Ltd. subsidiaries, subsidiaries

under control or other

companies that have actual

control of it compete with

Shenzhen Textile in the same

industry or contradict the

interest of the issuer in the

future, Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. shall urge

such companies to sell the

equity, assets or business to

Shenzhen Textile or a third

party; when the horizontal

competition may occur due

to the business expansion

concurrently necessary for

Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. and its

wholly owned subsidiaries,

subsidiaries under control or

other companies that have


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

actual control of it and

Shenzhen Textile, Shenzhen

Textile shall have priority.

The commitments during no

n-public issuance period in 2

012:1. Shenzhen Investment

Holdings, as the controlling

shareholder of Shenzhen

Textile, currently hasn't the

production and business

activities of inter-industry

competition with Shenzhen

Textile or its share-holding

subsidiary. 2. Shenzhen

Investment Holdings and its

share-holding subsidiaries or

other enterprises owned the

actual control rights can't be

directly and indirectly on

behalf of any person,

company or unit to engage

in the same or similar

Shenzhen business in any districts in

Sustained and Under

Investment the future by the form of July 14,2012

effective Fulfillment

Holdings Co., Ltd. share-holding, equity

participation, joint venture,

cooperation, partnership,

contract, lease, etc., and

ensure not to use the

controlling shareholder's

status to damage the

legitimate rights and

interests of Shenzhen Textile

and other shareholders, or to

gain the additional benefits.

3. If there will be the

situation of inter-industry

competition with Shenzhen

Textile for Shenzhen

Investment Holdings and its

share-holding subsidiaries or

other enterprises owned the

actual control rights in the

future, Shenzhen Investment


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

Holdings will promote the

related enterprises to avoid

the inter-industry

competition through the

transfer of equity, assets,

business and other ways. 4.

Above commitments will be

continuously effective and

irrevocable during Shenzhen

Investment Holdings as the

controlling shareholder of

Shenzhen Textile or

indirectly controlling

Shenzhen Textile.

Commitment to non-public o

ffering during the second ph

Shenzhen ase project of Shen Textile s

March Under

Investment hares subscribed lock handle March 25, 2013

25,2016 Fulfillment

Holdings Co., Ltd. , locking Shen Textile non-p

ublic offering on the stock m

arket of 36 months.

Other commitments made to

minority shareholders

Executed timely or not? Yes

Detailed person for failing to


execute and the next plan( If any)

IV.Prediction of Business performance for 2015

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss

probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and

explanation of reason.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

V. Investment in Securities

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


Sharehold Number

of shares Sharehold Book

ing of shares

Initial held at ing balance at Gain.loss

proportio held at

Short investmen the proportio the end of of the

Security Security n at the the end of Accounti Sauce of

form of t beginning n at the the reporting

category code beginning the ng items the shares

security cost(RM of the end of the reporting period

of the reporting

B) reporting reporting period (RMB)

reporting period

period(sh period(%) (RMB)

period(%) (shares)



Victor 44,444,18 assets Legal

Stock 000018 0.00 1,722,794 1.02% 0 0.00% 0.00

onward A 7.39 available shares

for sale





8,940,598 7,629,573 assets

Stock 000030 Fawer 985,733 0.34% 985,733 0.34% 0.00 repaymen

.31 .42 available

t of share

for sale


8,940,598 7,629,573 44,444,18

Total 2,708,527 -- 985,733 -- -- --

.31 .42 7.39

Disclosure date of the board

announcement on approval of January 17,2015

the securities investment

Disclosure date of the general

meeting announcement on

February 4,2015

approval of the securities

investment (if any)

VI. Equity interests held in other listed companies

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company did not hold any equity interests in other listed companies as at the end of the reporting period.

VII. Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report 2015

There is no derivative investment during the report period.

VIII. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in

the report period for future reference

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Discussion topics and

Reception time Reception place Way of reception Types of visitors Vistors rece3ived

provision of materials

Learning about the business

development history and

the production and

management situation of

September 23, The Meeting Room Onsite polarizers of the company.

Organization Bin Yuan Capital

2015 of the company investigation please see details in “Log

of Investor Relation

Activities”posted on the

interactive platform of

investor relation on

September 23 , 2015.

IX.Illegal external guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was not involved in any Illegal external guarantees of the Company in the reporting period.

X. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder

and other related parties of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and other.

The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

October 30,2015



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