
来源:深交所 2015-10-28 12:51:15

Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Report for the Third Quarter of 2015

October 2015


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Section I. Important Reminders

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management staff of

Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that the information

carried in this report is factual, accurate and complete, without any false record, misleading statement or material

omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.

All directors have attended the board session for reviewing this report.

Chen Hongcheng, company principal, Chen Jincai, chief of the accounting work, and Zheng Guangde, chief of the

accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in this report are

factual, accurate and complete.

This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions,

the Chinese version shall prevail.


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Section II. Financial Highlights & Change of Shareholders

I. Major accounting data and financial indexes

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the

accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?

□ Yes √ No

30 Sept. 2015 31 Dec. 2014 Increase/decrease (%)

Total assets (RMB Yuan) 504,454,577.03 480,779,789.45 4.92%

Net assets attributable to

shareholders of the Company 385,686,523.88 372,687,779.39 3.49%

(RMB Yuan)

YoY increase/decrease YoY increase/decrease

Jul.-Sept. 2015 Jan.-Sept. 2015

(%) (%)

Operating revenues (RMB Yuan) 172,449,468.55 946.32% 257,303,253.70 252.21%

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the Company -2,386,211.15 -1,031.08% 12,998,744.49 192.48%

(RMB Yuan)

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the Company after

-3,173,064.48 -133.81% 2,405,828.86 -4.87%

extraordinary gains and losses

(RMB Yuan)

Net cash flows from operating

-- -- 16,125,919.12 -129.11%

activities (RMB Yuan)

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share) -0.010 —— 0.040 300.00%

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share) -0.010 —— 0.040 300.00%

Weighted average ROE (%) -0.62% -0.69% 3.43% 2.21%

Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

√Applicable □Inapplicable

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Sept. 2015 Note

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the

4,783,459.74 Sale of hengda of the proceeds

offset part of asset impairment provisions)

Asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such as natural



Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial

assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment 9,505,869.71 Stock investment income

income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

financial liabilities and financial assets available for sales except

for effective hedging related with normal businesses of the


Non-operating income and expenses other than the above 851,529.70

Less: Income tax effects 4,182,098.59

Minority interests effects (after tax) -78,025.28

Total 10,592,915.63 --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in

the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the

Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said

explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

II. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders at the


1. Total number of common shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders at the


Unit: share

Total number of common


shareholders at the period-end

Shareholdings of the top ten common shareholders

Number of Pledged or frozen shares

Name of Nature of Shareholding Number of the

restricted shares

shareholder shareholder percentage (%) shares held Status of shares Number of shares





non-state-owned 36.99% 117,855,000 117,855,000 Pledged 117,855,000

Huifu Industrial


Co., Ltd.





non-state-owned 10.68% 34,020,000 34,020,000 Pledged 34,020,000



Management Co.,


GUOTAI Foreign 8.49% 27,063,103


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

JUNAN corporation






Lianhua Huiren

non-state-owned 3.81% 12,150,000 12,150,000 Pledged 12,150,000

Industrial Co.,



Domestic natural

Su Youhe 2.27% 7,234,469



Wanguo Foreign

2.15% 6,840,046

Securities (HK) corporation


China Everbright


Securities (HK) 1.46% 4,665,860



Domestic natural

Fan Jiongyang 0.46% 1,451,300


Wei Guobin

Foreign natural

(NGAI KWOK 0.36% 1,145,816



Domestic natural

Chen Jinming 0.24% 765,500


Shareholdings of the top ten non-restricted common shareholders

Number of non-restricted common shares held at the Type of shares

Name of shareholder

period-end Type Number

GUOTAI JUNAN Domestically

SECURITIES(HONGKONG) 27,063,103 listed foreign 27,063,103

LIMITED shares


Su Youhe 7,234,469 listed foreign 7,234,469


Shanghai Wanguo Securities (HK) 6,840,046 Domestically 6,840,046


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Limited listed foreign


China Everbright Securities (HK) Domestically

4,665,860 listed foreign 4,665,860

Limited shares


Fan Jiongyang 1,451,300 listed foreign 1,451,300



Wei Guobin (NGAI KWOK PAN) 1,145,816 listed foreign 1,145,816



Chen Jinming 765,500 listed foreign 765,500



Chen Jianxing 732,344 listed foreign 732,344



Han Liang 711,458 listed foreign 711,458



Chen zhenqi 701,800 listed foreign 701,800


Shenzhen Shenghengchang Huifu Industrial Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Risheng Chuangyuan Asset

Explanation on associated

Management Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Lianhua Huiren Industrial Co., Ltd., which belonged to

relationship or/and persons acting in

action-in-concert promulgated by Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of

concert among the above-mentioned

Information on the Change of Shareholdings in Listed Companies. The Company did not


know whether there existed related relationship among other shareholders.

Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted common shareholders of the Company carry out any agreed

buy-back in the reporting period?

□ Yes √ No

No such cases in the reporting period.

2. Total number of preferred share holders and shareholdings of the top ten preferred share holders at the


□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Section III. Significant Events

I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the reporting

period, as well as reasons for the changes

√Applicable □Inapplicable

Item Closing balance Opening balance Increase/decrease% Note

Monetary capital 291,029,505.60 16,669,591.58 1,645.87 Due to the recover of the come-and-go

money from the Evergrande Company and

the selling of the equity of the Evergrande

Accounts receivable 15,586,538.75 95,496,303.24 -83.68 Transferred by the Evergrande Company

and the mortgage receivable decreased

Other accounts 23,229,451.93 89,037,813.63 -73.91 Due to the recover of the come-and-go

receivable money

Prepayments 378,862.59 18,630,000.00 -97.97 Transferred by the Evergrande Company

and the prepayments decreased

Inventories 57,747,131.55 149,982,410.85 -61.50 Transferred by the Evergrande Company

and the inventoris decreased

Accounts payable 19,597,776.57 3,288,878.36 495.88 The accounts payable of the CICC


Taxes payable 8,001,072.07 37,159,760.65 -78.47 Transferred by the Evergrande Company

and the taxes payable decreased

Operating income 257,303,253.70 73,054,628.68 252.21 The recognized income from the selling of

the gold and the jewerly

Operating costs 241,857,278.95 47,137,347.90 413.09 The cost to be carried forward from the

selling of the gold and the jewerly

Business tax and 3,101,502.54 5,969,150.51 -48.04 The recognized business tax and so on

surcharges from the selling of the commercial

residential buildings

Operating expenses 828,575.52 281,195.28 194.66 The selling expenditues of the CICC


Assets impairment 443,870.21 2,533,399.46 -82.48 The offset amount of the bad loans of the

loss last period were rather less

Non-business 107,893.41 531,035.62 79.68 The donation outlay decreased



Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Income tax expenses 2,672,064.18 4,815,295.53 44.51 Transferred by the Evergrande Company

and the income tax expenses decreased

Investment income 14,284,601.42 0 —— Due to the securities investment and the

selling of the Evergrande Company

Net amount of the 16,125,919.12 -55,391,895.56 129.11 The cash received from selling the goods

cash flow from the increased

operating activities

Net amount of the 242,315,617.51 0 —— Due to the securities investment and the

cash flow from the selling of the Evergrande Company

investment activities

Net amount of the 15,918,333.46 0 —— Due to the CICC absorbed the

cash flow from the shareholders and became a shareholder by

financing activities additional shares

Net increased amount 274,359,914.02 -55,391,887.96 595.31 Due to the selling of the goods and the

of the cash and cash securities investment as well as the

equivalants recover of the come-and-go money of the

previous period

II. Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis and explanation on


√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

The Company’s relevant events of sale and related transaction of significant assets was reviewed

and approved by the First Special General Meeting in 2015 on 5 Jun; for details, refer to Resolution

Announcement of the First Special General Meeting in 2015 disclosed on Securities times, Hong

Kong "Ta Kung Pao” and www.cninfo.com on 6 Jun. 2015.

The related reorganization of the underlying asset of sale and related transaction of significant

assets had finished the transferring of ownership on 3 Jul. 2015; for details, please refer to

Announcement on Result of Transferring Ownership of the Reorganization of the Underlying Asset

disclosed on Securities times, Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao” and www.cninfo.com on 9 Jul. 2015.

On 1 Sep. 2015, in line with the agreement, the transaction party of sale and related transaction of

significant assets, Shenzhen Tianfuchang Investment Development Co., Ltd. paid RMB

97,361,900.00 for the remaining 50% equity transfer. The implementation of the sale and related

transaction of significant assets had been completed.

Index to the relevant announcement

Overview of the significant event Date of disclosure

disclosed on the website

Announcement on results of

The sale and related transaction of Implementation of the Sale And Related

1 Sep. 2015

significant assets Transaction of Significant Assets disclosed

on Securities times, Hong Kong "Ta Kung


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Pao” and www.cninfo.com

III. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s

shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Commitment Time of making Period of

Commitment Contents Fulfillment

maker commitment commitment

Commitment on share reform

Commitment in the acquisition report or

the report on equity changes




Executives of

the listed

companies, the

first largest I. Commitments

shareholder about offering

Shenzhen the true,

Shenghengchan accurate and

g Huifu complete

Industrial Co., information

Ltd., the second II.

largest Commitments

Commitments made upon the assets shareholder about avoiding

5 Jun. 2015 Permanent Being executing

reorganization Shenzhen and eliminating

Risheng the horizontal

Chuangyuan competition

Asset III.

Management Commitments

Co., Ltd., the about

actual controller standardizing

Mr. Chen the related

Hongcheng and transactions

the counter

party Shenzhen


Investment &


Co., Ltd.

Commitments made upon IPO or



Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

The shares of

the Company

had ceased

listing on 3 Apr.

2015 owning to

the planning of

the significant

events and part

of the Directors,

Supervisors as

Part of the well as the

Within 6 months

Directors, Senior

Other commitments made to minority after the

Supervisors and Executives of 9 Jul. 2015 Being executing

shareholders resumption of

senior the Company

the shares

executives will increase the

shareholding of

the Company

within 6 months

after the

resumption of

the shares in the

appropriate time

with the price

lower than


Executed timely or not? Yes

Detailed reason for failing to execute and


the plan for the next step (If any)

IV. Predict the 2015 annual operating results

Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the period from the

beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of the last year

according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons

□Applicable √Inapplicable

V. Securities investments

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

VI. Shareholdings in other listed companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Initial Closing

Opening Closing in the

Varieties investmen Opening Closing book

Stock co Abbr. of equity-hol equity-hol reporting Accounti Equity

of t cost equity-hol equity-hol value

de securities dings dings period ng title source

securities (RMB ding ratio ding ratio (RMB

(share) (share) (RMB

Yuan) Yuan)


Trading Two

Stock 000516 国际医学 4,471.00 200 100.00% 200 100.00% 3,038.00 -1,433.00 financial market

assets buy

Disclosure date of the board

announcement on approval of Not applicable

the securities investment

Disclosure date of the general

meeting announcement on

Not applicable

approval of the securities

investment (if any)

VII. Investments in derivatives

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Main discussion and

Time of reception Place of reception Way of reception Visitor type Visitor materials provided by the


Inquiries about the


3 Apr. 2015 The Company Individual Investor Company suspended



Inquiries about the


20 Apr. 2015 The Company Individual Investor Company suspended



Inquiries about the

Company’s suspended

7 May 2015 The Company Field research Institution Investor matters and suggestion to

solve the problem of B



Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Inquiries about the


24 May 2015 The Company Individual Investor Company’s operation and


reason of suspended

Inquiries about the sale of


6 Jun. 2015 The Company Individual Investor subsidiary and the time for



Inquiries about the time for

12 Jun. 2015 The Company Field research Institution Investor


Inquiries about the

Telephone Company’s suspended

9 Jul. 2015 The Company Individual Investor

communication matters and the time for


Inquiries about the

Telephone Company’s suspended

22 Sep. 2015 The Company Individual Investor

communication matters and the time for


Inquiries about the time for

9 Oct. 2015 The Company Field research Institution Investor


IX.Violation of external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

There is no violation of the status of the company's reporting period.

X. Controlling shareholder and its related party to the non operating funds of the listing


□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

There is no controlling shareholder and its related party to the non operating funds of the listing Corporation.


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Section IV. Financial Statements

I. Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current assets:

Monetary funds 291,029,505.60 16,669,591.58

Settlement reserves

Intra-group lendings

Financial assets measured at fair

value of which changes are recorded in 3,038.00

current profits and losses

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable 15,586,538.75 95,496,303.24

Accounts paid in advance 378,862.59 18,630,000.00

Premiums receivable

Reinsurance premiums receivable

Receivable reinsurance contract


Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other accounts receivable 23,229,451.93 89,037,813.63

Financial assets purchased under

agreements to resell

Inventories 57,747,131.55 149,982,410.85

Assets held for sale 48,281,500.14 48,281,500.14

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets 9,764,095.61

Total current assets 446,020,124.17 418,097,619.44

Non-current assets:


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Loans by mandate and advances


Available-for-sale financial assets

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investment

Investing real estate

Fixed assets 45,385,122.38 47,784,925.99

Construction in progress

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Production biological assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 9,702,000.56 9,909,948.44

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses

Deferred income tax assets 3,347,329.92 4,987,295.58

Other non-current assets

Total of non-current assets 58,434,452.86 62,682,170.01

Total assets 504,454,577.03 480,779,789.45

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Borrowings from the Central Bank

Customer bank deposits and due to

banks and other financial institutions

Intra-group borrowings

Financial liabilities measured at fair

value of which changes are recorded in

current profits and losses

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Accounts payable 19,597,776.57 3,288,878.36

Accounts received in advance 14,689,271.20 13,963,451.97

Financial assets sold and repurchased


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Handling charges and commissions


Payroll payable 422,757.62 481,299.21

Tax payable 8,001,072.07 37,159,760.65

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other accounts payable 46,028,058.52 48,935,319.16

Reinsurance premiums payable

Insurance contract reserves

Payables for acting trading of


Payables for acting underwriting of


Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1


Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 88,738,935.98 103,828,709.35

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payables

Specific payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income

Deferred income tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities 88,738,935.98 103,828,709.35

Owners’ equity:

Share capital 318,600,000.00 318,600,000.00

Other equity instruments


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Of which: preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserves 52,129,496.58 52,129,496.58

Less: Treasury stock

Other comprehensive income

Specific reserves

Surplus reserves 86,036,260.20 86,036,260.20

Provisions for general risks

Retained profits -71,079,232.90 -84,077,977.39

Total equity attributable to owners of

385,686,523.88 372,687,779.39

the Company

Minority interests 30,029,117.17 4,263,300.71

Total owners’ equity 415,715,641.05 376,951,080.10

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 504,454,577.03 480,779,789.45

Legal representative: Chen Hongcheng Chief of the accounting work: Chen Jincai Chief of the accounting organ: Zheng Guangde

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current assets:

Monetary funds 89,028,292.40 16,198,906.48

Financial assets measured at fair

value of which changes are recorded in

current profits and losses

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable

Accounts paid in advance 120,547.00

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other accounts receivable 67,644,383.96 84,236,984.90


Assets held for sale 48,281,500.14 48,281,500.14

Non-current assets due within 1 year


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Other current assets

Total current assets 205,074,723.50 148,717,391.52

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investment 126,712,508.68 243,312,508.68

Investing real estate

Fixed assets 43,590,388.78 45,092,439.91

Construction in progress

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Production biological assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 9,702,000.56 9,909,948.44

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses

Deferred income tax assets 2,629,205.29 2,629,205.29

Other non-current assets

Total of non-current assets 182,634,103.31 300,944,102.32

Total assets 387,708,826.81 449,661,493.84

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Financial liabilities measured at fair

value of which changes are recorded in

current profits and losses

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Accounts payable 19,442.64 19,442.64

Accounts received in advance 380,000.00

Payroll payable 185,452.30 210,712.65

Tax payable 2,598,341.60 3,130,621.23

Interest payable

Dividend payable


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Other accounts payable 80,511,884.90 233,514,796.81

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1


Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 83,695,121.44 236,875,573.33

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payables

Specific payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income

Deferred income tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities 83,695,121.44 236,875,573.33

Owners’ equity:

Share capital 318,600,000.00 318,600,000.00

Other equity instruments

Of which: preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserves 52,129,496.58 52,129,496.58

Less: Treasury stock

Other comprehensive income

Specific reserves

Surplus reserves 86,036,260.20 86,036,260.20

Retained profits -152,752,051.41 -243,979,836.27

Total owners’ equity 304,013,705.37 212,785,920.51

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 387,708,826.81 449,661,493.84


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

3. Consolidated income statement for the reporting period

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jul.-Sept. 2015 Jul.-Sept. 2014

I. Operating revenues 172,449,468.55 16,481,581.33

Including: Sales income 172,449,468.55 16,481,581.33

Interest income

Premium income

Handling charge and commission


II. Operating costs 173,911,767.20 15,183,003.25

Including: Cost of sales 168,639,273.70 10,007,654.51

Interest expenses

Handling charge and commission



Net claims paid

Net amount withdrawn for the

insurance contract reserve

Expenditure on policy dividends

Reinsurance premium

Taxes and associate charges 99,828.94 1,221,658.17

Selling and distribution expenses 657,535.34 76,258.94

Administrative expenses 3,744,469.69 3,499,454.02

Financial expenses 556,838.34 378,236.57

Asset impairment loss 213,821.19 -258.96

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair

-1,280.00 0.00

value (“-” means loss)

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”

means loss)

Including: share of profits in

associates and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (“-” means


III. Business profit (“-” means loss) -1,463,578.65 1,298,578.08

Add: non-operating income 765,578.86


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Including: Gains on disposal of

non-current assets

Less: non-operating expense

Including: Losses on disposal of

non-current assets

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) -697,999.79 1,298,578.08

Less: Income tax expense 690,343.27 1,037,145.55

V. Net profit (“-” means loss) -1,388,343.06 261,432.53

Net profit attributable to owners of

-2,386,211.15 256,283.25

the Company

Minority shareholders’ income 997,868.09 5,149.28

VI. After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes

After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes attributable to

owners of the Company

(I) Other comprehensive incomes

that will not be reclassified into gains and


1. Changes in net liabilities or

assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees that

cannot be reclassified into gains and

losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive incomes

that will be reclassified into gains and


1. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees that

will be reclassified into gains and losses

under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair

value changes of available-for-sale

financial assets

3. Gains and losses on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains and

losses on cash flows

5. Foreign-currency financial

statement translation difference

6. Other

After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes attributable to

minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive incomes -1,388,343.06 261,432.53

Attributable to owners of the

-2,386,211.15 256,283.25


Attributable to minority

997,868.09 5,149.28


VIII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share -0.010 -0.030

(II) Diluted earnings per share -0.010 -0.030

Where business mergers under the same control occurred in the reporting period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties before

the business mergers was RMB 0.00, with the corresponding amount for the same period of last year being RMB 0.00.

Legal representative: Chen Hongcheng Chief of the accounting work: Chen Jincai Chief of the accounting organ: Zheng Guangde

4. Income statement of the Company for the reporting period

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jul.-Sept. 2015 Jul.-Sept. 2014

I. Total sales 0.00 28,800.00

Less: cost of sales 0.00 1,612.80

Business taxes and surcharges

Distribution expenses

Administrative expenses 2,706,617.58 2,048,127.41

Financial costs 360,046.55 396,913.72

Impairment loss

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair

value (“-” means loss)

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”

means loss)

Including: income from investment


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

on associates and joint ventures

II. Business profit (“-” means loss) -3,066,664.13 -2,417,853.93

Add: non-operating income 759,422.82

Including: Gains on disposal of

non-current assets

Less: non-operating expense

Including: Losses on disposal of

non-current assets

III. Total profit (“-” means loss) -2,307,241.31 -2,417,853.93

Less: Income tax expense

IV. Net profit (“-” means loss) -2,307,241.31 -2,417,853.93

V. After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes

(I) Other comprehensive incomes that

will not be reclassified into gains and


1. Changes in net liabilities or

assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees

that cannot be reclassified into gains

and losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive incomes

that will be reclassified into gains and


1. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees

that will be reclassified into gains and

losses under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair value

changes of available-for-sale financial


3. Gains and losses on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale

financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains and

losses on cash flows


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

5. Foreign-currency financial

statement translation difference

6. Other

VI. Total comprehensive incomes -2,307,241.31 -2,417,853.93

VII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share -0.010 -0.010

(II) Diluted earnings per share -0.010 -0.010

5. Consolidated income statement for Jan.-Sept. 2015

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Sept. 2015 Jan.-Sept. 2014

I. Operating revenues 257,303,253.70 73,054,628.68

Including: Sales income 257,303,253.70 73,054,628.68

Interest income

Premium income

Handling charge and commission


II. Operating costs 255,362,443.17 63,274,350.56

Including: Cost of sales 241,857,278.95 47,137,347.90

Interest expenses

Handling charge and commission



Net claims paid

Net amount withdrawn for the

insurance contract reserve

Expenditure on policy dividends

Reinsurance premium

Taxes and associate charges 3,101,502.54 5,969,150.51

Selling and distribution expenses 828,575.52 281,195.28

Administrative expenses 8,769,967.72 11,160,786.08

Financial expenses 1,248,988.65 1,259,270.25

Asset impairment loss -443,870.21 -2,533,399.46

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair


value (“-” means loss)


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”


means loss)

Including: share of profits in

associates and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (“-” means


III. Business profit (“-” means loss) 16,223,983.95 9,780,278.12

Add: non-operating income 965,579.14 2,033.00

Including: Gains on disposal of

non-current assets

Less: non-operating expense 107,893.41 531,035.62

Including: Losses on disposal of

non-current assets

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 17,081,669.68 9,251,275.50

Less: Income tax expense 2,672,064.18 4,815,295.53

V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 14,409,605.50 4,435,979.97

Net profit attributable to owners of

12,998,744.49 4,444,311.30

the Company

Minority shareholders’ income 1,410,861.01 -8,331.33

VI. After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes

After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes attributable to

owners of the Company

(I) Other comprehensive incomes

that will not be reclassified into gains and


1. Changes in net liabilities or

assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees that

cannot be reclassified into gains and

losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive incomes

that will be reclassified into gains and


1. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees that


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

will be reclassified into gains and losses

under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair

value changes of available-for-sale

financial assets

3. Gains and losses on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale

financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains and

losses on cash flows

5. Foreign-currency financial

statement translation difference

6. Other

After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes attributable to

minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive incomes 14,409,605.50 4,435,979.97

Attributable to owners of the

12,998,744.49 4,444,311.30


Attributable to minority

1,410,861.01 -8,331.33


VIII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share 0.040 0.010

(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.040 0.010

Where business mergers under the same control occurred in this period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties before the

business mergers was RMB 0.00, with the corresponding amount for the same period of last year being RMB 0.00.

6. Income statement of the Company for Jan.-Sept. 2015

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Sept. 2015 Jan.-Sept. 2014

I. Total sales 0.00 28,800.00

Less: cost of sales 0.00 0.00

Business taxes and surcharges 1,612.80

Distribution expenses

Administrative expenses 5,686,333.10 6,482,993.15

Financial costs 1,039,616.75 1,232,520.34


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Impairment loss

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair

value (“-” means loss)

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”


means loss)

Including: income from investment

on associates and joint ventures

II. Business profit (“-” means loss) 90,503,973.72 -7,688,326.29

Add: non-operating income 759,422.82

Including: Gains on disposal of

non-current assets

Less: non-operating expense 35,611.68 530,828.18

Including: Losses on disposal of

non-current assets

III. Total profit (“-” means loss) 91,227,784.86 -8,219,154.47

Less: Income tax expense

IV. Net profit (“-” means loss) 91,227,784.86 -8,219,154.47

V. After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes

(I) Other comprehensive incomes that

will not be reclassified into gains and


1. Changes in net liabilities or

assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees

that cannot be reclassified into gains

and losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive incomes

that will be reclassified into gains and


1. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees

that will be reclassified into gains and

losses under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair value

changes of available-for-sale financial



Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

3. Gains and losses on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale

financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains and

losses on cash flows

5. Foreign-currency financial

statement translation difference

6. Other

VI. Total comprehensive incomes 91,227,784.86 -8,219,154.47

VII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share 0.290 -0.030

(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.290 -0.030

7. Consolidated cash flow statement for Jan.-Sept. 2015

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Sept. 2015 Jan.-Sept. 2014

I. Cash flows from operating activities: 303,300,655.48 47,741,275.00

Cash received from sale of

commodities and rendering of service

Net increase of deposits from

customers and dues from banks

Net increase of loans from the central


Net increase of funds borrowed from

other financial institutions

Cash received from premium of

original insurance contracts

Net cash received from reinsurance


Net increase of deposits of policy

holders and investment fund

Net increase of disposal of financial

assets measured at fair value of which

changes are recorded into current gains

and losses

Cash received from interest, handling

charges and commissions


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Net increase of intra-group


Net increase of funds in repurchase


Tax refunds received 571,418,764.26 32,938,463.48

Other cash received relating to

874,719,419.74 80,679,738.48

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating

301,766,123.78 38,509,969.84


Cash paid for goods and services

Net increase of customer lendings

and advances

Net increase of funds deposited in the

central bank and amount due from


Cash for paying claims of the original

insurance contracts

Cash for paying interest, handling

charges and commissions

Cash for paying policy dividends 7,927,419.19 3,683,792.79

Cash paid to and for employees 4,840,022.71 23,212,580.68

Various taxes paid 544,059,934.94 70,665,290.73

Other cash payment relating to

858,593,500.62 136,071,634.04

operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from

16,125,919.12 -55,391,895.56

operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities

II. Cash flows from investing activities: 125,919,434.13

Cash received from withdrawal of



Cash received from return on



Net cash received from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets and other 194,723,800.00

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to 358,869,641.87


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing



Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,

intangible assets and other long-term 116,508,010.16


Cash paid for investment

Net increase of pledged loans

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries

and other business units

Other cash payments relating to


investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from


investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities

III. Cash Flows from Financing



Cash received from capital



Including: Cash received from

minority shareholder investments by


Cash received from borrowings

Cash received from issuance of


Other cash received relating to


financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing


Repayment of borrowings

Cash paid for interest expenses and

distribution of dividends or profit

Including: dividends or profit paid

by subsidiaries to minority shareholders

Other cash payments relating to

financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from


financing activities


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Net cash flows from financing activities 43.93 7.60

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate

274,359,914.02 -55,391,887.96

changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash

16,669,591.58 56,330,640.22


Add: Opening balance of cash and

291,029,505.60 938,752.26

cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash

303,300,655.48 47,741,275.00


8. Cash flow statement of the Company for Jan.-Sept. 2015

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Sept. 2015 Jan.-Sept. 2014

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of

commodities and rendering of service

Tax refunds received

Other cash received relating to

333,588,381.52 79,350,540.74

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating

333,588,381.52 79,350,540.74


Cash paid for goods and services

Cash paid to and for employees 787,162.40 1,275,377.08

Various taxes paid 878,726.91 852,036.93

Other cash payment relating to

472,923,029.86 82,547,490.62

operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from

474,588,919.17 84,674,904.63

operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities -141,000,537.65 -5,324,363.89

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash received from withdrawal of



Cash received from return on



Net cash received from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets and other

long-term assets


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

Net cash received from disposal of


subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to

investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing



Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,

intangible assets and other long-term


Cash paid for investment 94,604,198.27

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries


and other business units

Other cash payments relating to

investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from


investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities 213,829,923.57

III. Cash Flows from Financing


Cash received from capital


Cash received from borrowings

Cash received from issuance of


Other cash received relating to

financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing


Repayment of borrowings

Cash paid for interest expenses and

distribution of dividends or profit

Other cash payments relating to

financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from

financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate

changes on cash and cash equivalents


Report for the Third Quarter of 2015 of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.

V. Net increase in cash and cash

72,829,385.92 -5,324,363.89


Add: Opening balance of cash and

16,198,906.48 5,484,282.30

cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash

89,028,292.40 159,918.41


II. Auditor’s report

Is this report audited?

□ Yes √ No

This report is not audited.



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