(HPCO) oc Lap – T Do – Hanh Phuùc
C: Ap Phùc Hoa, X. Hoa Phuù, H. Long Hoà, T.
Vónh Long Vnh Long, ngay thaùng naêm
T: 070.3822174 Fax: 070.3880357 2015
Letter of Intent for Clothing Fabric(Dyeing & Finishing)
Construction Project Investment and LandLease
Biên bn ghi nh này bao gm hai bên
The two parties in this letter of intent are:
Bên A: Cng ty C phn Hòa Phú
Party A:Hoa Phu Joint Stock Company
Ngi i din pháp lut: Hà Duy Dng Chc v: Tng Giám c
法定代表人: 职务:
Corporate Representative: Title:
a ch : p Phc Hòa, x Hòa Phú, huyn Long H, t nh Vnh Long, Vit Nam
Address:Hoa Hoa Phu Industrial zone, Phuoc Hoa hamlet, Hoa Phu commune,
Long Ho District,, VinhLong Province, Vietnam
in thoi: 0703.822174 Fax: 0703.880357
电话: 传真
Tel: Fax Number:
S tài khon ngn hàng: 73010000152902 ti Ngn hàng TMCP u t và Phát
trin Vit Nam – Chi nhánh Vnh Long.
M s thu: 1500489359
Tax Number:
Bên B:Cng ty TNHH C phn Hua Fang
Party B: Huafang Co., Ltd.
Ngi i din pháp lut:WANG LI MIN Chc v: Ch t ch HQT
法定代表人:王力民 职务:董事长
Corporate Representative: Wang Limin Title: Chairman of the board
a ch :S 819 ng Hoàng Hà Nh thành ph Tn Chu t nh Sn ng, Trung
地址:中国山东省滨州市黄河二路 819 号
Address: No. 819, 2nd Yellow River Street,Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China
in thoi:0086-543-3288175 Fax:0086-543-3288555
电话:0086-543-3288175 传真:0086-543-3288555
Tel: 0086-543-3288175 Fax: 0086-543-3288555
M s bu in: 256617
Post Code: 256617
Tha thun k kt 鉴于 Whereas:
1、Bên A là nhà u t xy dng vàkinh doanh kt cu h tng khu cng nghip
Hòa Phú. KCN Hòa Phú (di y gi tt là:Khu cng nghip) nm xHòa Phú
huyn Long H tnh Vnh Long Vit Nam, tng din tích 250 Ha, làKCN nm trên
tuyn ng quc l 1A, ca nggiao thng vn ti ng bin, ng b thun tin,
c s h tng vt cht hoàn thin vàlàmt trong nhng khu cng nghip cóquy m
ln nht phí Nam Vit Nam.
位于越南永隆省隆湖县和富社,总面积为 250 公顷,1A 公路经过工业园区,陆
Party A is the developer of Hoa Phu Industrial zone located in Hoa Phu commune,
Long Ho District,, VinhLong Province, Vietnam. Hoa Phu industrial zone (hereinafter
referred to as “Industrial Zone”), covering 250 hectares in total with 1A highway
passing by, is one of the largest industrial zones in southern Vietnam with convenient
land and water transportations and well-constructed infrastructures.
2、Bên B làcng ty c phn cómt trên sàn giao dch chng khoán Thng Hi,
Trung Quc,mchng khoán 600448. y mnh hn na hình nh tng th ca
cng ty, y nhanh quátrình phá trin m rng trong khu vc vàquc t,gim thp
giáthành sn xut,nng cao nhn thc v thng hiu cng ty, nng cao nng lc cnh
tranh toàn din,Bên B hoc cng ty con ca bên B d nh s u t vào vic xy
dng các d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc(cónhum) trong khu cng nghip.
Party B is a Shanghai Stock Exchange listed company (SSE: 600448). In order to
further improve the company’s overall image, accelerate its regional and global
development, lower production cost, promote the company’s brand and strengthen
its overall competitiveness, Party B or its subsidiary is planning to invest on a clothing
fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project in the industrial zone.
Vìvy, hai bên cùng thng lng, thng nht k kt u t xy dng các
hng mc liên quan ca d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc (cónhum) trong khu
cng nghip. Biên bn ghi nh u t d án Nhà máy c k kt vi ni dung nh
Therefore, the following intentional agreements for the intended clothing
fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project in the industrial zone is made by and
between Party A and Party B.
iu 1: Tên d án u t xy dng: Xy dng D án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may
mc cao cp (cónhum) sn lng hàng nm t 50 triu mé vi (di y gi tt là
“D án xy dng Nhàmáy vi may mc(cónhum)” )
第一条 投资建设的项目名称:年产 5000 万米高档服装面料(染整)建设项
Article 1 The Name of the Intended Investment Project: High-grade clothing
fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project with 50 million meters annual output
【 hereinafter referred to as “clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction
project ”】.
iu 2: Phng thc u t
第一条 投资方式
Article 2 Investment Method
Bên B hoc cng ty con ca bên B (Cng ty con Hng Kong) ng k hp pháp
vic thành lp cng ty TNHH ti Khu cng nghip, do c quan ng k u t ti Vit
Nam cp phát “Giy phép u t”. Phng thc và các bc tin hành c th nh sau:
Party B or its subsidiary (Hong Kong company ) is planning to invest and legally
register a company with limited liability (Vietnam Company) in the industrial zone,
acquiring the Investment Warrant authorized by the Vietnamese investment
registration authority. The details of the investment method are as follows:
1、Cng ty con Hng Kong d nh thành lp cng ty ti Vit Nam ng thi
nhn c “Giy phép u t”, Vn ng k t cóca Cng ty thành lp ti Vit Nam
là 【khng cao hn 1 triu la M】。
司的注册资本金【不高于 1 万美元】。
Hong Kong company plans to establish Vietnam Company in Vietnam and get
the Investment Warrant. The initial registered capital of the Vietnam Company is no
more than USD10,000.
2、Sau khi Cng ty thành lp ti Vit Nam, bên B s xin huy ng vn bng hình
thc phá hành c phiu khng cng khai ng thi thng qua Cng ty con Hng
Kong iu chnh gia tng s vn ng k t cóca cng ty ti Vit Nam.
When the Vietnam Company has been established, Party B will apply for
non-public offering of stocks to raise capital and inject it to the Vietnam Company as
registered capital through Hong Kong company.
3、Bên B vàcng ty con Hng Kong s cn c vào k hoch vàtin d án xy
dng tin hành u t vào Cng ty ti Vit Nam. T l Vn ng k t cóvàtng
mc u t s cn c theo quy nh hp pháp ca Lut u t Vit Nam.
Party B and its Hong Kong company will invest on the Vietnam Company
progressively following the construction progress and plan.The ratio of registered
capital to the volume of total investment shall follow the regulations of Vietnam
Investment Law.
4、Hai bên phi hiu r Bên B làcng ty c phn chng khoán hng A trên sàn
chng khoán Trung Quc. Vn u t xy dng d án Nhà máy sn xut vi may
mc(có nhum) cho cng ty ti Vit Nam hoàn toàn ph thuc vào vic t c s
chp thun phê duyt ca y ban chng khoán Trung Quc v vic huy ng vn
bng hình thc phá hành c phiu khng cng khai. Do ó, nu bên B khng c
y ban chng khoán Trung Quc phêduyt chp thun thìk hoch u t xy dng
cng ty ti Vit Nam ca bên B vàcng ty con Hng Kong khng th tin hành.
甲乙双方知晓:乙方为中国 A 股上市的股份公司,其投资越南公司服装面料
It is known to both parties that: as an A-share listed Chinese company, the
construction fund for the clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project of
the Vietnam Company originates only from the raised capital of the non-public
offering of stocks applied by Party B and approved by China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC). Hence, if the non-public offering of stocks is disapproved by
CSRC, the investment plan of Party B and its Hong Kong company on the Vietnam
Company will not be put into effect.
iu 3: Gii hn Xy dng d án, k hoch quy m u t
第二条 投资规模、计划及项目建设期限
Article 3 Investment Scale, Plan and Project Construction Period
1、Tng vn u t d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc(cónhum): 110 triu
la M, dy chuyn sn xut nhum 2 si ,tng sn lng hàng nm t 50 triu
mé vi.
服装面料(染整)建设项目拟投资总额:11000 万美元;染整生产线 2 条,
年产量 5000 万米。
The intended investment scale of the clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing)
construction project: 110 million USD; 2 dyeing and finishing production lines with 50
million meters annual output.
2、Chu k xy dng d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc (cónhum) là 3 nm
k t sau khi nhn c tt c các th tc pháp l cp phép cn thit ca vic xy
dng d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc ti Vit Nam vàbên B nhn c s phê
duyt ca y ban chng khoán Trung Quc v vic huy ng vn bng hình thc phá
hành c phiu khng cng khai. Tng vn u t xy dng d án là110 triu la
M và cn c theo tin xy dng d án u t.
公开发行股票并募集资金到位之日起三年。项目的投资建设资金 11000 万美元分
The construction period of the clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction
project is from the day when the Vietnam Company acquires all the legal permits
needed for the Vietnam clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project, the
non-public offering of stocks of Party B is approved by CSRC and the capital raised is
fully funded, with 3 years in total. The total volume of the project construction fund
110 million USD will be divided into several phases and invested according to the
construction progress.
iu 4: t s dng cho d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc(cónhum)
第四条 服装面料(染整)建设项目用地
Article 4 Land for the Clothing Fabric(Dyeing & finishing) Construction Project
t s dng cho d án nm s II-8,II-9 Khu cng nghip Hòa PhúxHòa Phú
huyn Long H tnh Vnh Long. Tng din tích t d nh u t là khong 15.67 Ha
(V tríc th t s dng cho d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc (có nhum) vui
lòng xem tà liu Bn chúthích v trí ính kèm).
【II-8,II-9】号。拟投资建设项目总占地 15.67 公顷(服装面料(染整)建设项目
The clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project is located at No.
II-8,II-9, Hoa Phu industrial zone, Hoa Phu commune, Long Ho District, Vinh Long
Province, Vietnam. The gross area of the intended investment construction project
covers 15.67 hectares(the specific location of the clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing)
construction project is detailed in the project land coordinates layout attached in
Appendix ).
iu 5:Nhng hng mc cng vic liên quan và thuê t ca d án Nhàmáy
sn xut vi may mc (cónhum)
Article 5 Land Lease and Related Affairs for the clothing fabric(dyeing &
finishing) construction project
Hai bên ng nu D án này nhn c s phêduyt tng th, Bên A vàbên B
cùng ng vi nhng iu khon thuê t d án nh sau:
It is agreed by and between both parties that when all the approvals of the
project are acquired, Party A and Party B shall follow the following agreed terms and
conditions on the project land:
1、Mc giá thuê t: 35USD/m2 cha bao gm thu VAT
Land rent: 35USD/sqm;
2、Gii hn thuê t: Hp ng thuê t cóhiu lc k t ngày k n nm 2060
( ang làm th tc n nm 2062 )
土地租赁期限:自土地租赁合同签署并生效之日起至 2060 年(甲方正在办
理租地时间 2062 年的申请手续);
Term of land lease: from the day when land lease contract is signed and comes
into force to 2060(Party A is dealing with procedure of increasing tenancy to 2062).
3、Phísa cha c s h tng : 0.2USD/m2/nm; ng thi bên B cam kt:
phng thc thanh toán chi phínày là: ① 2 nm u min np; ② Nm th 3,4 k
tip thu 50% là0.1USD/m2/nm; ③Nm th 5 áp dng mc np 0.2USD/m2/nm,
Bên A min phíchi phísa cha bo trì c s h tng và c s vt cht bên ngoà
hàng rào vàkhng làm nh hng kéo dà ti hot ng sn xut ca Bên B, nu bên
B gy ra thit hi thìs cótrách nhim bi thng cho bên A.
费用付款方式为:①前 2 年免交;②第 3、4 年按照 50%收取,为 0.1USD/平方米
/年;③第 5 年开始按照 0.2USD /平方米/年),甲方免费提供本项目围墙外的基础
Infrastructure maintenance fee: 0.2USD/sqm/year; meanwhile, Party A promises
that: (the industrial zone administrative committee promises that the payment
method of the above mentioned fee shall follow the following terms and conditions:
①free of charge for the first two years;②charge 50% of the full price for the second
two years, namely is 0.1USD/sqm/year; ③charge 0.2USD /sqm/year since the fifth
year), Party A offers the infrastructures and supporting facilities outside the bounding
walls of the project as well as maintenance of these facilities free of charge, and
makes sure the regular production of Party B shall not been delayed, if there is any
loss occurred, Party B shall retain the right to pursue legal actions and claim
4、Bên B sau khi nhn c s phêchun t phí Vit Nam vàs chp thun ni,
ngoi b trong Cng ty s chính thc tin hành kkt Tha thun thuê t, Bên A cam
kt s da trên hình thc hp pháp có c s chp thun Quyn s dng t cho
bên B ng thi cam kt Quyn s dng, xy dng trên mnh t này khng cóbt c
vn gì
When acquires all the internal and external approvals as well as the permits of
the Vietnamese authority, Party B will officially sign the Land Lease Contract with
Party A. Party A shall make sure Party B acquires the deed of appropriation of the
mentioned land in legal forms and promise that there is no defect of rights for Party B
to construct and use the mentioned land.
iu 6 :Giá in nc
第六条 水、电费价格
Article 6 The Prices of Water and Electricity
1、Tin nc: 7300VND/m3 ( Theo Quyt nh s 21/2014/Q-UBND ngày
18/11/2014 ca UBND tnh Vnh Long )
Water: VND7300/cbm;
2、Phí x l nc thi: Tiêu chun X l nc thi t loi A, np phí
300-500VND/01m3 cho bên A; phng thc tính toán: lp thêm ng h hoc thanh
toán 80% lng nc s dng
污水处理:污水排放达到 A 级标准,向政府交纳 VND300-500/立方米;计量
方式为:加流量表或者是按用水量的 80%缴费。
Sewage disposal: free of charge if the discharged sewage reaches grade A
standard, payVND300-500/cbm to the government; measurement:install additional
flowmeters or pay the fee in accordance with 80% of the water consumption volume.
3、Phí in s c chp hành theo mc tiêu chun thu phí Nhà nc cho khu
vc a phng s ti.
Electricity will be charged according to the local state standard.
iu 7: Chính sách h tr u i thu
第七条 乙方应获得的税收优惠支持
Article 7 Policies to support tax incentives
Bên A cam kt cng ty c thành lp ti Vit Nam ca bên B khi hot ng
trong Khu cng nghip ca bên A bt u t nm u tiên s c hng chính sách
u i thu doanh nghip theo úng mc quy nh ca Nhà nc nh sau: ( Theo iu
16 ca Ngh nh s 218/2013/N-CP ngày 26/12/2013 ca Chính Ph )
所得税的优惠政策如下(根据越南政府 2013 年 12 月 26 日 218/2013/N-CP 号的
第 16 条款议定):
Party A committed company established in Vietnam by Party B when operating
in the industrial zone of the party A starts from the first profitable year will enjoy
preferential policies at the rates of corporate tax regulations of the State as follows:
(In accordance with Article 16 of Decree No. 218/2013 / ND-CP of the Government
dated 12.26.2013)
1、2 nm u: 0%;
The first 2 years : 0%;
2、4 nm k tip: 50%;
The successive four years: 50%;
3、Nm th 7 bt u np theo úng mc quy nh ca Nhà nc
Since the 7th year start properly filed pursuant to the provisions of the State.
iu 8: Ngha v và quyn l ca hai bên
第八条 甲乙双方的权利和义务
Article 8 Rights and Obligations of Party A and Party B
1、Biên bn ghi nh này sau khi kkt ng thi thng qua s phêduyt ca B
phn có thm quyn bên B vàbên B t hi iu kin u t, cng ty con Hng
Kong ca bên B s ng k thành lp mt cng ty TNHH trong Khu cng nghip, các
th tc liên quan u ly tên cng ty ti Vit Nam làm chun.
When this letter is signed and approved by the authority of Party B and the
investment conditions required by Party B are fulfilled, the Hong Kong company of
Party B will register a company with limited liability in the industrial zone of Party A,
and all the related procedures shall be carried on in accordance with the name of the
Vietnam Company.
2、Bên A m bo cn c theo Bn chúthích v trítrong khu cng nghip Hòa
Phú tin hành cung cp din tích t s dng 15.67 Ha. Xé thy các yêu cu phc
tp v trình t phêduyt d án u t nc ngoài và m bo cho d án u t
c tin hành thun li, bên A khng c t ng hy b cam kt ng thi phi
m bo: Sau khi kkt Biên bn ghi nh này bên A khng c tin hành bt c các
hành vi kinh doanh khác v hình thc x ltha t này, cam kt ng thi m bo
bên B có c Giy chng nhn hp pháp quyn s dng tha t này.
地 15.67 公顷。鉴于乙方境外投资的审批程序复杂之要求,甲方为保证乙方投资
Party A promises to offer 15.67 hectares of project construction land in its
industrial zone according to the location marking in the attached map. Due to the
complexity of the approval procedure of Party B’s overseas investment, to make sure
the investment project of Party B can be carried out smoothly, Party A cannot revoke
its commitments and shall promise: when this letter is signed, Party A can not
dispose the mentioned land in any form, and shall promise and ensure that Party B
acquires the deed of appropriation of the mentioned land in legal forms.
3、Bên A bo m d án u t c tin hành thun li, chu trách nhim h tr
hoàn thành các th tc pháp l Nhà nc liên quan v vic chp thun cp giy phép
xy dng (quy hoch, giy phép u t nc ngoài, ánh giá tác ng mi trng, xy
dng, tà chính, thu, ngoi hi, hi quan, lao ng vic làm, v sinh, phòng cháy
cha cháy, quyn s dng t (nu cn thit) hoc liên quan ti th tc khác v vic
ng k hng mc xy dng cóliên quan), tt c nhng chi phíliên quan (chi phíthc
t ca Nhà nc quy nh) s do bên B chu trách nhim chi tr.
Party A shall make sure that the intended investment project of Party B carries
out smoothly, and is responsible to help Party B to handle all the related statutory
approval procedures of the dyeing and finishing investment project (plan, project
establishment, foreign investment permit, and all government procedures including
land, environmental assessment, construction, finance, tax, foreign exchange,
customs, labor force, hygiene, fire safety and the legal assessment for land use right
(if needed) or other procedures related with the registration of the Vietnam
Company and the project construction), all the subsequent costs (all charged by the
government) shall be born by Party B.
4、Bên B s m bo vic quy hoch s dng t theo úng quy nh,tit kim
din tích.
Party B shall use the land according to the planned usage and save land
5、Bên B cóquyn ch nh Cng ty con ca bên B là n v chính thc kkt
các vn bn u t pháp lut có liên quan. Bên A ng bên B hoc Cng ty con ca
bên B hoc bên th 3 do bên B ch nh s tip nhn tng quá vàthc thi các ngha
v vàquyn li ca Biên bn ghi nh này, c coi nh là n v chính thc hin d
án u t này.
Party B has right to designate its subsidiary to officially sign related legal
documents as an investment subject. Party A agrees that the subsidiary of Party B or
a third party designated by Party B generally succeeds the rights and responsibilities
of this letter as the operation subject for the investment project.
iu 9: Tuyên b ca bên B
第九条 乙方声明
Article 9 Disclaimer of Party B
Biên bn ghi nh này các bên u hiu r vic thc thi cui cùng ca d án
u t xy dng Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc (có nhum) ca cng ty bên B ti
Vit Nam cn phi có c s phê chun ca các phòng ban ni b liên quan ca
chính ph Trung Quc. Do ó,vic u t xy dng d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may
mc (cónhum) ti Vit Nam hoàn toàn c quyt nh bi vic huy ng vn bng
hình thc phá hành c phiu khng cng khai có c chp thun hay khng. Phá
hành c phiu khng cng khai nu cha nhn c s ng ca y ban chng
khoán Trung Quc dn n vic xy dng d án Nhàmáy sn xut vi may mc (có
nhum)ti Vit Nam khng c thc hin thì bên B coi nh khng vi phm hp ng
vàbt c ngha v nào.
This letter is known and well understood by both parties. This final
implementation of the Vietnam Company’s clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing)
construction project of Party B requires the internal approval of Party B itself and the
approvals of related Chinese government departments. Hence, the investment on the
clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project for the Vietnam Company of
Party B is fully depended on the result of Party B’s non-public offering of stocks. If
the non-public offering of stocks of Party B is disapproved by CSRC and then the
investment on the clothing fabric(dyeing & finishing) construction project of the
Vietnam Company of Party B cannot be implemented, Party B shall bear neither
default nor obligation.
iu 10: Hai bên ng chính thc kkt “Tha thun thuê t” vi t giálà:
第十条 甲乙双方同意签订正式《土地租赁协议》之日的汇率为:
Article 10 The exchange rate on the day when both parties agree to officially
sign the Land Lease Agreement: VND/USD.
iu 11 : Bên A phi m bo c tt c c s vt cht cung cp cho bên B
trong thi gian thi cng và toàn b quá trình sn xut kinh doanh trong khu cng
nghip nh: in, nc, giao thng, x lrác thi, tr an, bo v mi trng, các cng
trình tm c vn hành s dng bình thng, qua ó m bo cho vic thi cng xy
dng vàhot ng sn xut kinh doanh sau này c tin hành mt cách an toàn vàcó
trình t. ng thi tiêu chun mc thu phívic cung cp các dch v c s s thp
hn hoc bng vi tiêu chun ca Nhà nc quy nh, khng c bin tng tng
第十一条 甲方必须保证乙方在甲方的工业园区建设施工及生产经营期间的
Article 11 Party A shall make sure all the supporting facilities including water,
electricity, transportation, garbage disposal, security, environment protection,
temporary dormitory, etc., run properly when Party B is constructing and operating in
the industrial zone of Party A, in order to ensure the security and order of Party B’s
construction and future production and operation activities. Meanwhile, the charges
of supporting facilities offered by Party A shall not be higher than that of the national
standard. Party A shall not raise the price in disguised form.
iu 12: Các vn khác
第十二条 其他
Article 12 Miscellaneous Provisions
1、Nhng ni dung hng mc cng vic liên quan ca d án u t xy dng
c ghi trong Biên bn ghi nh này lànhng kin s b mang tính d nh c
thng qua s ng ca c hai bên màkhng chu s chi phi, ràng buc ca pháp
lut.Ni dung c th s da trên nhng iu khon quy nh trong Hp ng chính
thc gia Bên A vàBên B hoc cng ty con ca bên B,khi Hp ng chính thc hoc
Biên bn tha thun chính thc cóhiu lc thìBiên bn ghi nh này s t ng c
hy b.
The investment construction project and related affairs recorded in this letter
are initially intentional agreements that have no legally binding force. The concrete
content shall be the formal contract or agreement signed by Party A and Party B or
Party B’s subsidiary. This letter of intent shall be terminated when the formal contract
or agreement is signed and comes into effect.
2、Vic kkt ca Biên bn ghi nh này da trên nhu cu ni b bên B, trình t
chính sách bên ngoà vàcác b phn ban ngành ca nhà nc Trung Quc. Vic kkt
Tha thun hoc Hp ng chính thc s da trên s chp thun phêchun ca C
quan ng k Vit Nam i vi k hoch u t d án này. Nu C quan ng k ti
Vit Nam khng chp thun phêduyt bn k hoch u t ca d án này hoc y
ban chng khoán Trung Quc khng chp thun phêduyt huy ng vn bng hình
thc phá hành c phiu khng cng khai thìBiên bn ghi nh này s b hy b, hai
bên s khng c coi làvi phm hp ng.
This letter is signed on the basis of the internal and external decision-making
procedures of Party B as well as the approvals of related Chinese government
anthourities. The signing of the formal agreement and contract requires the
recognition and approval of Vietnam authority on the investment plan of Party B. If
the investment plan of Party B can not get recognition or approval of Vietnam
authority or the non-public offering of stocks of Party B is disapproved by CSRC,this
letter shall be terminated. It shall not be deemed as default for both parties.
3、Nhng iu khon khng c th hin trong Biên bn ghi nh này s do hai
bên tin hành thng lng vàda trên hình thc vn bn b sung.
Issues that are not covered in this letter shall be negotiated by Party A and Party
B and added in writing.
4、Biên bn ghi nh này c lp thành 3 ngn ng : Trung-Anh-Vit tin
hành kkt.Nu 3 ngn ng cós khng ng nht thìs ly ting Vit làm chun.
This letter is made out in Chinese, English and Vietnamese of which version is
equally effective. Conflicts between these three language arising therefrom . if any ,
shall be subject to Vietnamese version .
5、Biên bn ghi nh này có hiu lc trong vòng 45 ngày k t ngày k sau 45
ngày nu hai bên cha th tin hành k kt hp ng chính thc thìhai bên có th
xem xé gia hn thi gian ca biên bn ghi nh này.
本意向书自从签署之日起 45 天之内有效,超过了 45 天如果双方尚未进行正
This letter of intent is valid for 45 days from the date of signing, after 45 days if
the two sides can not sign a formal contract, the two sides may consider extending
the duration of this letter.
6、Biên bn ghi nh này c lp thành 8 bn, bên A gi 4 bn, bên B gi 4 bn
cógiátr nh nhau
This letter is in eight copies. Each party has four copies.
Bên A: Bên B:
甲方:(章) 乙方:(章)
Party A: (Stamp) Party B: (Stamp)
Ngi i din PL hoc ngi c y Ngi i din PL hoc ngi c y
quyn: quyn:
法定代表人或授权代表人 法定代表人或授权代表人
Authorized Representative: Authorized Representative:
Ktên Ktên
签字____________ 签字____________
Signature Signature
Ngày k: tháng nm 2015 Ngày k: tháng nm 2015
签订日期:2015 年 月 日 签订日期:2015 年 月 日
Date of Signing: , , 2015 Date of Signing: , , 2015
附件:【 】土地坐标位置图
Appendix:【 】land coordinates layout