
来源:深交所 2015-10-27 08:51:56

Stock Code: 000581, 200581 Notice No.: 2015-041

Short Form of the Stock: Weifu High-Tech, Su Weifu-B


TEXT of 3Q REPORT 2015

Section I. Important Notes

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that there are no

any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all

responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

All directors of the Company are attended the Meeting for quarterly report deliberation.

Chen Xuejun, Principal of the Company; Ou Jianbin, Person in Charge of Accounting Work; Ou Jianbin, Person in

Charge of Accounting Organization (Accounting Officer) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the Third

Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

Section II. Main accounting data and changes of shareholders

I. Main accounting data and index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting

error correction or not

□Yes √ No

Current period-end Period-end of last year Increase/decrease

Total assets(RMB) 15,044,607,181.24 14,488,589,167.90 3.84%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of

11,436,388,409.85 10,859,034,688.96 5.32%

listed company (RMB)

Increase/decrease Increase/decrease in

in comparison Year-begin to end comparison with

Current period

with same period of the Period year-begin to

of last year Period-end of last year

Operating revenue (RMB) 1,109,803,414.23 -25.40% 4,500,241,337.87 -10.31%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

247,876,993.79 -37.85% 1,293,864,194.62 4.39%

the listed company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

the listed company after deducting 216,154,225.24 -40.30% 1,100,156,185.14 -7.06%

non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating

-- -- 586,968,892.48 -17.13%


Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.24 -38.46% 1.27 4.96%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.24 -38.46% 1.27 4.96%

Weighted average ROE 2.13% -1.68% 11.42% -0.80%

Items and amount of extraordinary profit (gains)/losses

√Applicable □Not applicable


Amount from year-begin

Item Note

to end of the Period

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued


for impairment of assets)

Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not including the subsidy

enjoyed in quota or ration according to national standards, which are closely relevant to 74,170,091.28

enterprise’s business)

Gains/losses from entrusted investment or assets management 205,801,531.58

Restoring of receivable impairment provision that tested individually 1,003,115.00


无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items 555,548.26

Relocation expenses -65,026,098.26

Less: impact on income tax 34,426,355.35

Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax) 1,174,737.79

Total 193,708,009.48 --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies

Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to

the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their

Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of

extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to

the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss.

II. Statement of the total shareholders and shares-held of top ten shareholders at end of the


1. Statement of the total common shareholders and shares-held of top ten common shareholders at end of

the Period

In Share

Total common shareholders in


reporting period

Shares-held of top ten common shareholders

Number of share

Proportion Amount of

Nature of Amount of pledged/frozen

Shareholders of shares restricted

shareholder shares held State of

held shares held Amount



20.22% 204,059,398

GROUP CO., LTD. corporate

ROBERT BOSCH GMBH Foreign corporate 14.16% 142,841,400


China Securities Finance Corporation Limited 3.02% 30,506,369


UBS AG Foreign corporate 2.24% 22,583,847

Kangjian Assets Management Company

Foreign corporate 1.57% 15,881,792

–Client’s fund


Central Huijin Investmen Ltd. 1.27% 12,811,200



Foreign corporate 1.23% 12,382,279



无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

Puxin Investment Company- Client’s fund Foreign corporate 1.12% 11,347,877

MERRILL LYNCH INTERNATIONAL Foreign corporate 1.04% 10,540,825

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd.—Fullgoal

Zhongzheng State-owned Enterprise Other 0.95% 9,582,809

Innovation Index Grade Security Fund

Particular about top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held

Amount of un-restrict Type of shares


common shares held Type Amount

WUXI INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT GROUP CO., LTD. 204,059,398 RMB common shares 204,059,398

RMB common shares 115,260,600

ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 142,841,400 Domestically listed


foreign shares

WUXI INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT GROUP CO., LTD. 30,506,369 RMB common shares 30,506,369

UBS AG 22,583,847 RMB common shares 22,583,847

Kangjian Assets Management Company –Client’s fund 15,881,792 RMB common shares 15,881,792

Central Huijin Investmen Ltd. 12,811,200 RMB common shares 12,811,200

Domestically listed

BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD 12,382,279 12,382,279

foreign shares

Puxin Investment Company- Client’s fund 11,347,877 RMB common shares 11,347,877

MERRILL LYNCH INTERNATIONAL 10,540,825 RMB common shares 10,540,825

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd.—Fullgoal Zhongzheng

9,582,809 RMB common shares 9,582,809

State-owned Enterprise Innovation Index Grade Security Fund

Among the top ten shareholders, there has no associated

relationship between Wuxi Industry Development Group Co.,

Explanation on related relationship or concerted action among the Ltd. and other shareholders, the first largest shareholder of the

abovementioned shareholders Company; and they do not belong to the consistent actionist

regulated by the Management Measure of Information

Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Company.

Explanation on shareholders involving margin business among top

Not applicable

ten common shareholders d (if applicable)

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement

dealing in reporting period

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy-back

agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Total of shareholders with preferred stock held and the top ten shareholdings in Period-end

□Applicable √Not applicable


无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

Section III. Important events

I. Particular about major changes from items of main accounting statements and financial

indexes as well as reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable

1. Monetary fund: reducing 1141.793 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 48.38% down, maily

because the net cash flow for investment and financing activities increased;

2. Dividend receivable: increasing 266.2562 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year, maily due to the

dividend receivable from RBCD;

3. Other account receivable: reducing 4.4543 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 36.75% down,

maily due to the expenses of rent receivable in the Period;

4. Other current assets: increasing 1654.0266 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 91.24% up,

maily because the entrust finacnial products increased;

5. Financial assets available for sale: reducing 297.7423 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with

35.26% down, maily because financial assets available-for-sale are sale and fair value changes declined;

6. Construction in process: increasing 271.2689 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 56.82% up,

maily because major projects of industry park are increased;

7. Note payable: increasing 227.6571 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 46.60% up, maily

because the settlement of note payable increased;

8. Account received in advance: reducing 13.646 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 31.17%

down, maily because the account received in advance for clinets decreased at period-end;

9. Taxes payable: reducing 28.6217 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 40.83% down, maily

because variou taxes paid at period-end are declined;

10. Wages payable: reducing 126.9115 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 48.50% down, maily

because the year-end bonus etc. for employees are paid;

11. Interest payable: increasing 1.8778 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year, maily because the payable

long-term interest at period-end are increased over that of period-begin;

12. Other current liability: increasing 12.5558 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 117.27% up,

maily because the estimate variou expenses are increased;

13. Special payable: increasing 52.0046 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year, maily because the

relocation compensation received;

14. Deferred income tax liability: reducing 10.429 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 43.79%

down, maily because the fair value changes of financial assets available-for-sale declined;

15. Other comprehensive income: reducing 58.6259 million Yuan over that of beginning of the year with 48.21%

down, maily because financial assets available-for-sale are sale and fair value changes declined;


无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

16. Non-operation income: increasing 78.7656 million Yuan on y-o-y basis, mainly due to the relocation loss

compensation from parent company;

17. Non-operation expenditure: increasing 62.2153 million Yuan on y-o-y basis, mainly due to the expenditure for

relocation from parent company;

18. Net amount of other comprehensive income after-tax: decreasing 104.7806 million Yuan on y-o-y basis, maily

because financial assets available-for-sale are sale and fair value changes declined;

19. Net cash flow arising from investment activities: decreasing 263.2696 million Yuan on y-o-y basis, maily

because purchasing entrust financial products an d expenses for major construction-in-process are increased y-o-y;

20. Net cash flow arising from financing activities: decreasing 336.0129 million Yuan on y-o-y basis, maily

because the expenses for share repurhase and dividend distribution increased.

II. Progress of significant events, their influences, and analysis and explanation of their


√ Applicable □Not applicable

1. Notes of the projects with fund raised

The Company held the 2014 annual general meeting to consider and approve the resolution on adjustment to plans and production

capacity of certain investment projects funded with raised proceeds and alteration to certain such investment projects, which mainly

referred to the adjustments to the plans and production capacity of the WAPS R&D and industrialization project, diesel common rail

system spare parts production capacity enhancement project as well as industry park construction project, and changed the auto

power battery materials and power materials research and development project. to permanent supplementary liquidity.

2. Explanation of share repurchase

The First extraordinary general meeting for year of 2015 has deliberated and approved the “proposal of repurchase

part of the A-share of the Company”, the repurchase has completed at end of the reporting period. , and the

Company repurchase 11,250,422 A-share with the owned fund of 249,999,607.07 Yuan.


Overview Query index for interim notice


Being approved by “Reply of the Private Placement of


(Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2012] No.109) issued by CSRC,

the Company issuing 112,858,000 shares privately with The ”Report on Private Placement and Announcement of

price of 25.395 Yuan/Share. The above mentioned 2012-02-28 Listing (Summary)” (Notice No.: 2012-12) published on

shares have been listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)

dated 29 February 2012. Totally 2,866,028,900 Yuan

are raised and net amount of 2,850,124,300 Yuan after

deducted the issuing expenses.

Special Report on Fund-raised Deposit and Use of

2013-03-28 Released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Funds for year of 2012


无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

”Resolution Notice of 9th meeting of 7th session of the

The Proposal of Changing the Fund-raised Projects Board”(Notice No.: 2013-001); “ Notice of Changing the


Investment Plan was deliberated and approved by 9th Fund-raised Projects Investment Plan” (Notice No.:


meeting of 7 session of the Board held on 26 March 2013-007) released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

2013 and Annual General Meeting 2012 dated 23 May

“Resolution Notice of AGM of 2012” (Notice No.:

2013. 2013-05-24

2013-014) released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Special Report on Fund-raised Deposit and Use of

2014-04-15 Released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Funds for year of 2013

Special Report on Fund-raised Deposit and Use of

2015-04-23 Released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Funds for year of 2014

“Resolution Notice of 21st meeting of 7th session of the

The “proposal of adjusted part of the fund-raised Board” (Notice No.: 2015-003) and “report of the proposal

projects and capability as well as change part of the 2015-04-23 of adjusted part of the fund-raised projects and capability as

fund-raised projects” has been deliberated and approved well as change part of the fund-raised projects” (Notice No.:

st th

by the 21 meeting of 7 session of the Board held on 2015-010) released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

21 April 2015 and the Annual General Meeting for year

“Resolution Notice of AGM of 2014” (Notice No.:

of 2014 held dated 28 May 2015 2015-05-29

2015-016) released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Special Report on Fund-raised Deposit and Use of

2015-08-25 Released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Funds for fist half year of 2015

“Resolution notice of2nd Meeting of the 8th session of the

Board” (Notice No.: 2015-025) and “Plan of repurchase part

The 2nd Meeting of the 8th session of the Board held 2015-07-22

of the A-share of the Company” (Notice No.: 2015-027) are

on 21 July 2015 and First Extraordinary General

released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Meeting for year of 2015 held on 7 August 2015 have

deliberated and approved the “proposal of repurchase “Relosution notice of First Extraordinary General Meeting

part of the A-share of the Company” 2015-08-08 for year of 2015” (Notice No.: 2015-031) released on Juchao

Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

“Report of Repurchase part of the A-share of the Company”

The Company opening a buy-back account on 14

2015-08-26 (Notice No.: 2015-033) released on Juchao Website

August 2015, and implemented repurchase initially by


issuing “Report of Repurchase part of the A-share of the

” Notice of implemented A-share of the Company for the

Company” dated 26 August 2015; and the repurchase

2015-08-27 first time” (Notice No.: 2015-037) released on Juchao

plan completed on 8 September 2015, the Company

Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

repurchase 11,250,422 A-share of the Company with

owned fund 249,999,607.07 Yuan, and the repurchase

“Notice of Completed the A-share repurchase” (Notice No.:

shares are cancelled completely on 16 September 2015 2015-09-09 2015-039) released on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)


无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

“Cancelled part of the A-shares repurchase and change of

2015-09-17 shares” (Notice No.: 2015-040) released on Juchao Website


III. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the

Company in reporting period or made in previous period and extending to reporting period

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Commitment Dated for Commitm

Commitments Contents Implementation

party commitment ent term

Share Merger Reform

Commitments in report of

acquisition or equity change

Commitments in assets


The privately offering of the

Company totally issue


WUXI 112,858,000 A-shares to

completed. The

INDUSTRY substantial shareholder Wuxi

restriction period

DEVELOPMEN Industry Group and foreign

Commitments in initial public 36 months has

T GROUP CO., strategy investor ROBERT

offering or refinancing expired, and has

LTD. and BOSCH GMBH. The above

applied for un-lock,

ROBERT said shares are listed for trading

the listing date was

BOSCH GMBH in Shenzhen Stock Exchange

5th March 2015

since 29 February 2012 with

36-month restriction

Other commitments to minority

shareholders of the Company

Completed on time or not Yes

Detail reasons for un-complement

Not applicable

and further plan(if applicable)

IV. Estimation of operation performance for year of 2015

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the

warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason

□Applicable √Not applicable


无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

V. Particular about security investment

□Applicable √Not applicable

VI. Statement of holding other listed companies’ equity

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Proporti Amount

Amount of

on of of Proportio

Initial stock-hold Book

stock-hol stock-hol n of Gains and


Variety of Code of investment ing at the ding at value at

form of ding at stock-hol loss in the Accounti Source of

securities securities cost(RMB beginning the

the end of

securities of the the end of ding at the period

reporting ng subject stock

) beginnin the period the end of (RMB)

period (RMB)

g of the (Share) the period




199,208,0 23,680,00 23,680,00 239,404,8 1,231,360 assets Subscript

Stock 600841 SDEC 2.73% 2.73%

00.00 0 0 00.00 .00 available ion

for sales


Miracle 69,331,50 69,001,50 102,280,3 assets Subscript

Stock 002009 9,300,000 2.90% 4,710,000 1.47%

Logistics 0.00 0.00 90.13 available ion

for sales

268,539,5 32,980,00 28,390,00 308,406,3 103,511,7

Total -- -- --

00.00 0 0 00.00 50.13

Being deliberated and approved in 23rd meeting of 6th session of the Board dated 24 March 2012, the Company subscribes

14,800,000 private placement of A-share from SDEC with RMB 13.46 per share, a 2.72 percent in total share capital of SDEC after

placement. The Company committed no transfer after the subscription in 12 months, restricted period (23 March 2012 to 22 March

2013). SDEC implemented the plan of annual profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital for 2011 on 4th June

2012. (Sending cash of RMB 0.5(tax included) per every 10 shares, converting 6 shares per every 10 shares. The Company held

23.68 million shares of SDEC at end of the Period, representing 2.73 percent in total of the SDEC shares, after completion of the

cancellation for B-share buy-back.

In May 2013, in line with the define authority in “Decision-making System of Major Investment and Financial”, being discussed by

the management and approved from the Chairman, the Company decide to subscribe 9,300,000 private placement shares from

Miracle Logistics with RMB 7.455 per share, a 2.9 percent in total share capital of Miracle Logistics after placement. The Company

committed no transfer after the subscription in 12 months, restricted period (4 June 2013 to 3 June 2014). At the end of the Period,

the Company held Miracle Logistics of 4,710,000 shares, accounting for the Miracle Logistics total share capital of 1.47%.

VII. Particulars about derivatives investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no derivatives investment in Period.


无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司 2015 年第三季度报告正文

VIII. Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report


√ Applicable □Not applicable

Time Place Way Type Reception Contents discussed and material provided

The Company answered 240 questions for investors

Form 1 July to 30 Office of the Written Public

Individual online through the investor relations interactive

September 2015 Board inquiry investor


Telephone Basic condition of the Company and views on market

Form 1 July to 30 Office of the Public

communicat Individual in 2015, communication with investors by telephone

September 2015 Board investor

ion more than 100

Board of Directors of

Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd.

27 October 2015



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