江 铃B:2015年第三季度报告全文(英文版)

来源:深交所 2015-10-27 08:54:00

Share’s name: Jiangling Motors Share’s code: 000550 No.: 2015-049

Jiangling B 200550

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

2015 Third Quarter Report

§1 Important Note

1.1 The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its

members, and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the

truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed in the

report and confirm that the information disclosed herein does not contain false

statements, misrepresentations or major omissions.

1.2 The Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management undertake and have

no objection to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of

the Third Quarter Report.

1.3 All the Directors were present at the Board meeting.

1.4 The financial statements in this Quarterly Report are not audited.

1.5 Chairman Wang Xigao, President Yuan-Ching Chen, CFO Dennis Leu and

Chief of Finance Department, Ding Ni, confirm that the financial statements in

this Quarterly Report are truthful and complete.

1.6 All financial data in this Quarterly Report are prepared under International

Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) unless otherwise specified.


§2 Brief Introduction

2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators

Unit: RMB’000

At the end of At the end of the Change (%)

reporting period previous year

Total Assets 18,664,056 19,496,528 -4.27

Shareholder’s equity

Attributable to the Equity 11,301,509 10,598,429 6.63

Holders of the Company

Beginning of

Reporting year to


Change (%) end of Change (%)

(2015 third reporting

quarter) period

Revenue 4,976,888 -14.50 16,966,215 -6.24

Profit Attributable to the

Equity Holders of the 458,866 25.18 1,540,398 0.62


Net Cash Generated From

- - -232,166 -114.49

Operating Activities

Basic Earnings Per Share

0.53 25.18 1.78 0.62


Diluted Earnings Per Share

0.53 25.18 1.78 0.62


Up 0.45 Down 1.86

Weighted Average Return on

4.36 percentage 13.78 percentage

Net Asset Ratio (%)

point points


2.2 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders at the end of

reporting period

Total shareholders JMC had 21,992 shareholders as of September 30, 2015.

Top ten shareholders

Shares due

Shareholding Shares as of Shares with

Shareholder to

Shareholder Name Percentage September Trading

Type mortgage

(%) 30, 2015 Restriction

or frozen

Jiangling Motor State-owned

41.03% 354,176,000 0 0

Holding Co., Ltd. legal person

Ford Motor Company Foreign legal

32.00% 276,228,394 0 0


Shanghai Automotive State-owned

1.51% 13,019,610 0 0

Co., Ltd. Legal person

Pingan Life Insurance

Specific Client Asset Domestic

non-state-owned 1.04% 9,012,285 0 0

Management legal person


Central Huijin

State 0.83% 7,186,600 0 0

Investment Ltd.

Foreign legal

GAOLING FUND,L.P. 0.78% 6,749,127 0 0



Foreign legal

TEMPLETON CHINA 0.70% 6,026,850 0 0



TEMPLETON Foreign legal

0.57% 4,880,908 0 0


INVESCO FUNDS Foreign legal

0.51% 4,372,630 0 0

SICAV person

E Fund SSE50 Index Domestic

Securities Investment non-state-owned 0.47% 4,013,069 0 0

Fund legal person

Top ten shareholders holding unlimited tradable shares

Shareholder Name Shares without Trading Share Type


Jiangling Motor Holding Co., Ltd. 354,176,000 A share

Ford Motor Company 276,228,394 B share

Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd. 13,019,610 A share

Pingan Life Insurance Specific Client

9,012,285 A share

Asset Management Project-No.1

Central Huijin Investment Ltd. 7,186,600 A share

GAOLING FUND,L.P. 6,749,127 B share


6,026,850 B share




INVESCO FUNDS SICAV 4,372,630 B share

E Fund SSE50 Index Securities

4,013,069 A share

Investment Fund

Notes on association among


above-mentioned shareholders

2.3 Stock buy-back of top ten shareholders or top ten shareholders holding

unlimited tradable shares in the reporting period

□Applicable □√Not Applicable

§3 Major Events

3.1 Causes and explanations of major changes of financial indicators

compared with those of previous reporting period

□√Applicable □Not Applicable

By the end of 2015 third quarter, JMC sold 184,594 vehicles, including 80,092

JMC-brand trucks, 40,624 JMC-brand pickups, 15,000 Yusheng-brand SUVs

and 48,878 Ford-brand commercial vehicles. Total sales volume decreased by

5% compared with the same period last year. Revenue and net profit during

the reporting period were RMB 16,966 million and RMB 1,540 million, down

6.24% and up 0.62% respectively compared with the same period last year.

Current income tax liabilities at the end of the reporting period decreased by

RMB 153 million, or 100% from the end of 2014, primarily reflecting the

decrease of income tax payable.

Other income in the third quarter increased by 76 million, primarily reflecting

the increase of government incentives in the current period.

3.2 Analysis of major events, their impacts and resolutions

□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.3 Commitments of the Company or the shareholder holding 5% or more of

the Company shares

□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.4 Forecast on 2015 operating performance

Warning and explanations as to the situation that accumulated net profit during

the period from year beginning to the end of next reporting period may be

negative or, compared with the same period last year, may have a substantial


□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.5 Securities investments


□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.6 Other listed company’s equity held by the Company

□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.7 Securities derivates investment

□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.8 External research and media interviews with the Company in the reporting


□Applicable □√Not Applicable

Board of Directors

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

October 27, 2015


Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

(All amounts in RMB thousands) 30 September 31 December

2015* 2014


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment(“PPE”) 6,165,964 5,736,408

Lease prepayment 599,090 590,629

Intangible assets 32,517 32,173

Investments accounted for using the

Equity method 37,032 26,948

Other non-current assets 45,471 34,493

Deferred income tax assets 406,769 440,730

7,286,843 6,861,381

Current assets

Inventories 1,796,885 1,658,707

Trade, other receivables and prepayments 2,569,892 2,006,162

Cash and cash equivalents 7,008,036 8,963,468

Restricted cash 2,400 6,810

11,377,213 12,635,147

Total assets 18,664,056 19,496,528


Capital and reserves attributable to the

Company’s equity holders

Share capital 863,214 863,214

Share premium 816,609 816,609

Other reserves 454,968 454,968

Retained earnings 9,166,718 8,463,638

11,301,509 10,598,429

Non-controlling interests - -

Total equity 11,301,509 10,598,429


Non-current liabilities

Borrowings 4,790 4,808

Deferred income tax liabilities 28,649 29,458

Retirement benefit obligations 46,049 50,146

Provisions for warranty and other liabilities 191,845 226,503

Other non-current liabilities 420 480

271,753 311,395

Current liabilities

Financial liabilities at fair value through

profit or loss - 2,011

Trade and other payables 7,079,797 8,420,273

Current income tax liabilities - 153,439

Borrowings 417 401

Retirement benefits obligations 5,580 5,580

Other current liabilities 5,000 5,000

7,090,794 8,586,704

Total liabilities 7,362,547 8,898,099

Total equity and liabilities 18,664,056 19,496,528

*: Unaudited financial indexes


Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

Consolidated Income Statement

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

(All amounts in RMB thousands) 2015.7.1- 2014.7.1- 2015.1.1- 2014.1.1-

2015.9.30* 2014.9.30* 2015.9.30* 2014.9.30*

Revenue 4,976,888 5,821,034 16,966,215 18,095,964

Sales tax (150,855) (177,880) (522,026) (617,707)

Cost of sales (3,703,325) (4,358,726) (12,713,141) (13,595,101)

Gross profit 1,122,708 1,284,428 3,731,048 3,883,156

Distribution costs (326,753) (402,098) (961,423) (1,247,075)

Administrative expenses (425,798) (526,998) (1,485,437) (1,348,761)

Other income 76,323 1,251 274,921 274,988

Operating profit 446,480 356,583 1,559,109 1,562,308

Finance income 64,863 61,495 212,860 186,812

Finance costs (1,614) (1,366) (2,091) (1,868)

Finance income -net 63,249 60,129 210,769 184,944

Share of profit of investments accounted

for using the equity method 2,778 3,329 10,085 14,984

Profit before income tax 512,507 420,041 1,779,963 1,762,236

Income tax expense (53,641) (53,477) (239,565) (231,295)

Profit for the period 458,866 366,564 1,540,398 1,530,941

Total comprehensive income for the

period 458,866 366,564 1,540,398 1,530,941

Profit attributable to:

Equity holders of the Company 458,866 366,564 1,540,398 1,530,941

Non-controlling interests - - - -

458,866 366,564 1,540,398 1,530,941

Total comprehensive income

attributable to:

Equity holders of the Company 458,866 366,564 1,540,398 1,530,941

Non-controlling interests - - - -

458,866 366,564 1,540,398 1,530,941

Earnings per share for profit

attributable to the equity holders of

the Company

(expressed in RMB per share)

- Basic and diluted 0.53 0.42 1.78 1.77

*: Unaudited financial indexes


Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

Consolidated cash flow statement

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

(All amounts in RMB thousands)

2015.7.1-2015.9.30* 2015.1.1-2015.9.30*

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash generated from operations (328,534) 192,404

Interest paid - (300)

Income Tax paid (133,954) (424,270)

Net cash generated from operating activities (462,488) (232,166)

Cash flows from investing activities

Purchase of PPE (439,181) (1,121,073)

Other cash paid relating to investment activities (111) (6,367)

Proceeds from disposal of PPE 4 2,129

Interest received 43,169 228,121

Dividends received - 15,657

Other cash received from investing activities 326 1,217

Net cash used in investing activities (395,793) (880,316)

Cash flows from financing activities

Repayments of borrowings - (203)

Dividends paid to the Company’s shareholders (840,933) (840,961)

Other cash paid relating to financing activities (1,517) (1,786)

Net cash used in financing activities (842,450) (842,950)

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash

equivalents (1,700,731) (1,955,432)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 8,708,767 8,963,468

Effects of exchange rate changes - -

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 7,008,036 7,008,036

*: Unaudited financial indexes



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