
来源:深交所 2015-10-24 10:23:21

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2015 Third Quarter Report

October 2015


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

I Important Statement

The members of the Board and the Company guarantee that the quarterly report is free from any

false information, misleading statement or material omission and are jointly and severally liable for the

information’s truthfulness, accuracy and integrity.

Directors other than the following ones have attended the Board meeting to review the quarterly


Name of absent director Position of absent director Reason Name of proxy

Guo Wanda Independent director Business engagement Huang Yaying

Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman of Board, Mr. Lin Kebin, the Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Chen

Yonggang, the manager of accounting department declare: the Financial Report carried in this report is

authentic and completed.


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

II Financial Highlight and Changes in Shareholders

1. Financial Highlight

The Company retroactively adjusts or restates financial statistics of the previous years because of

changes in account policies and correction of accounting errors.

□ Yes √ No

End of the report period End of last year Year-on-year change

Total asset (RMB) 4,452,270,338.77 3,662,719,900.41 21.56%

Net profit attributable to the

shareholders of the listed 1,283,779,156.07 1,234,930,863.46 3.96%

company (RMB)

Between beginning Change from the

Year-on-year change

This report period of the year to the end same period last


of the report period year

Turnover (yuan) 692,471,803.42 38.47% 1,842,587,326.95 39.29%

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the listed 20,237,940.89 9.21% 71,555,589.76 20.67%

company (yuan)

Net profit attributable to the

shareholders of the listed

543,165.95 -96.13% 36,030,218.35 -32.30%

company and after deducting of

non-recurring gain/loss (RMB)

Net cash flow generated by

-- -- -363,986,462.96

business operation (RMB)

Basic earnings per share

0.027 12.50% 0.095 21.79%


Diluted Earnings per share

0.027 12.50% 0.095 21.79%


Weighted average net

1.62% 0.06% 5.66% 0.61%

income/asset ratio

Accidental gain/loss item and amount

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Amount from beginning of

Items the year to the end of the Notes

report period


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss (including the write-off


part for which assets impairment provision is made)

Subsidies accounted into the current income account

(except the government subsidy closely related to the


enterprise’s business and based on unified national

standard quota)

Gain from entrusted investment or assets management 305,106.85

Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional financial

asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of

transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable 542,980.00

financial assets, other than valid period value instruments

related to the Company’s common businesses

Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property


measured at fair value in follow-up measurement

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the



Less: Influenced amount of income tax 13,473,169.87

Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity



Total 35,525,371.41 --

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental

gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement

of Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No circumstance that should be defined as recurrent profit and loss according to Explanation

Announcement of Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss occurs in the report period.

2. Total number of shareholders and shareholding of top 10 shareholders by the end

of the report period

(1) Total number of common shareholders and shareholding of top 10 common shareholders by

the end of the report period

In share

Number of shareholders of

common shares at the end of the 50,213

report period

Top 10 Shareholders of Common Shares

Properties of Number of Conditional Pledging or freezing

Shareholder Shareholding

shareholder shares shares Share status Amount


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report


Banglin Domestic

Technologies non-state legal 9.09% 68,774,273 68,774,273 Pledged 57,769,900

Development person

Co., Ltd.

Shengjiu Foreign legal

6.15% 46,569,330 46,569,330

Investment Ltd. person



Foreign legal

SECURITIES(H 4.46% 33,792,702 33,792,702




NCF- China

Minsheng Bank

– Zhongke

Jiutai No.1 Others 2.43% 18,379,190 18,379,190







non-state legal 2.36% 17,860,992 17,860,992

Investment Co.,




Zhou Shijian 2.14% 16,213,500 16,213,500

natural person


Huang Jupei 1.42% 10,710,900 10,710,900

natural person

Shanghai Hong

Foreign legal

Kong Wanguo 1.31% 9,885,935 9,885,935




Jiang Jing 0.97% 7,340,514 7,340,514

natural person


Yu Peidi 0.67% 5,054,200 5,054,200

natural person

Top 10 shareholders of unconditional common shares

Category of shares

Shareholder Amount of unconditional common shares Category of



Shenzhen Banglin Technologies RMB common

68,774,273 68,774,273

Development Co., Ltd. shares


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Foreign shares

listed in

Shengjiu Investment Ltd. 46,569,330 46,569,330



Foreign shares


listed in

SECURITIES(HONGKONG) 33,792,702 33,792,702




NCF- China Minsheng Bank –

RMB common

Zhongke Jiutai No.1 Assets 18,379,190 18,379,190


Management Program

Shenzhen Shilihe Investment RMB common

17,860,992 17,860,992

Co., Ltd. shares

RMB common

Zhou Shijian 16,213,500 16,213,500


RMB common

Huang Jupei 10,710,900 10,710,900


Foreign shares

Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo listed in

9,885,935 9,885,935

Securities domestic


RMB common

Jiang Jing 7,340,514 7,340,514


RMB common

Yu Peidi 5,054,200 5,054,200


Among the shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and

Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin

Notes to top ten shareholder

Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are

relationship or "action in concert"

related parties. The Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related

parties among the other holders of current shares.

Zhou Shijian holds 16,213,500 stocks of the Company through the GF securities

customer credit transaction guarantee securities account; Huang Jupei holds

Top-10 common share

10,709,900 stocks of the Company through the GF securities customer credit

shareholders participating in

transaction guarantee securities account; Jiang Jing holds 7,340,514 stocks of the

margin trade

Company through the Everbright Securities customer credit transaction guarantee

securities account.

By the close on September 30, 2015, China Securities Finance Corporation Limited held 2,512,300 A-shares of the

Company, accounting for 0.33% of the aggregate.

By the close on September 30, 2015, Central Huijin Investment Ltd. held 841,900 A-shares of the Company, accounting

for 0.11% of the aggregate.


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10

shareholders of unconditional common shares in the report period

□ Yes √ No

No agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10

shareholders of unconditional common shares in the report period

(2) Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by

the end of the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

III Significant Events

1. Major changes in accounting items and financial data in the report period and


√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Items Closing amount Opening amount Change Cause of change

Collection of mature bills and

Notes receivable 14,609,951.82 83,325,725.70 -82.47%

accounts receivable


1,450,379,147.99 1,105,242,251.46 31.23% Increase in income


Prepaid engineering amount

for Fangda Town renovation

Prepayment 107,964,979.40 29,234,231.49 269.31% project and increase in

prepaid material amount in

construction in progress

Other current Increase in maturity of

45,942,278.93 234,986,107.72 -80.45%

assets financial products

Increase in acceptance bills

Notes payable 307,093,945.97 227,266,485.57 35.13%



24,226,386.93 41,703,314.26 -41.91% Payment of reserved bonus

wage payable

Interest payable 4,205,484.18 2,055,911.11 104.56% Increase in undue interest

Provision of litigation

Other payables 74,030,233.89 47,425,682.44 56.10%


Other current Loan financing of precious

98,425,600.00 0.00

liabilities metal

January-September January-September

Items Change Cause of change

2015 2014

Turnover 1,842,587,326.95 1,322,866,822.74 39.29% New orders

Operation cost 1,544,694,083.05 1,088,874,433.97 41.86% Increase in sales revenue

Business tax and

24,243,193.35 15,465,996.01 56.75% Increase in sales revenue


Sales expense 58,059,078.68 28,767,603.81 101.82% Increase in advertising cost


39,341,301.37 15,700,216.25 150.58% Increase in average loan


Increase in the balance of

Asset impairment

33,045,931.86 10,104,141.91 227.05% accounts receivable and


account age


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Gain/loss caused

Adjustment of fair value of

by changes in fair 58,798,815.22 2,279,889.00 2479.02%

investment real estate


Non-business Provision of litigation

15,672,186.75 2,546,716.34 515.39%

expenses indemnity

Change in earnings of

Income tax 15,919,999.63 7,021,212.14 126.74% companies with different tax


2. Progress of key issues and its impacts and solutions

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

1. Canceling 2014 Private A-Share Issuing: The 2014 Private A-share Issuing Plan was canceled at the

15th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors held on August 27, 2015. Application materials submitted to the

CSRC were withdrew by the Company on September 7, 2015. The Company received the CSRC

Administrative Application Termination Notice ([2015] No.136) issued by CSRC on September 30, 2015.

Details are disclosed as follows:

Key issue Date of disclosure Information source


Announcement of Proposal of the 15 China Securities Journal, Shanghai


Meeting of the 7 Board of Directors, Securities Daily, Securities Times,

August 29, 2015

Notice on Canceling 2014 Private HKCD (English) and

A-Share Issuing www.cninfo.com.cn

China Securities Journal, Shanghai

Notice on Receiving the CSRC

Securities Daily, Securities Times,

Administrative Application Termination October 8, 2015

HKCD (English) and



2. Update of the Fangda Town renovation: The renovation of Fangda Town is proceeding as scheduled.

Presales formalities are being applied for currently. The presales will begin by the end of this year.

3. Commitments of shareholders with over 5% of shares made in the report term or

carried over from previous terms

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company and shareholders with more than 5% stakes in the Company made no guarantee in the

report period or before report period but remaining effective in the report period.

4 Forecast of operating performance in 2015

Warning and reasons of possible net loss or substantial change from the last period between the

beginning of the year and the end of the next report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

5. Securities investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Number Number

of shares of shares


Initial held at Opening held at Closing

Securitie Abbreviat book Gain/los Accounti

Code investme beginnin sharehol end of sharehol Source

s ion value s (RMB) ng item

nt cost g of the ding the ding


period period

(share) (share)

Sino Oil Transacti

(HK) and Gas 16,263,67 100,000,0 100,000,0 13,953,77 542,980.0 onal Purchas

Stock 0.66% 0.56%

00702 Holdings 5.00 00 00 0.00 0 financial e

Ltd assets

16,263,67 100,000,0 100,000,0 13,953,77 542,980.0

Total -- -- -- --

5.00 00 00 0.00 0

Disclosure date of approval

by the Board of Directors of March 11, 2014

securities investment

Disclosure date of securities

investment approval by the


Shareholders’ Meeting (if


6. Notes to shareholding in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company holds no stock of other list companies in the report period.

7. Derivative investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

In RMB10,000


n of

Derivativ closing Actual

Initial Impairm Closing

e Related investme gain/loss

Relation Initial Start investme ent investme

investme transacti Type End date nt in the

ship amount date nt provision nt

nt on amount report

amount (if any) amount

operator in the period




China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

assets in




Shangha Shangha


i Futures i January

None No 8,512.72 er 28, 0 0 0 0.00% -249.35

Exchang aluminu 5, 2015


e m

Total 8,512.72 -- -- 0 0 0 0.00% -249.35

Capital source Self-owned fund

Lawsuit (if any) Inapplicable

Disclosure date of derivative

investment approval by the Board of None


Disclosure date of derivative

investment approval by the None

shareholders’ meeting

Risk analysis and control measures for To prevent the risk of fluctuation of raw material prices, the Company adopted

the derivative holding in the report the aluminum futures exchanged at the domestic futures exchange to provide

period (including without limitation hedging for aluminum as a raw material for the Company. The Company has set

market, liquidity, credit, operaton and up and implemented the Provicial Regulations on China Fangda Group

legal risks) Domestic Futures Hedging to prevent risks.

Changes in the market price or fair

value of the derivative in the report

The fair value of the derivative should be calculated with the open quotation of

period, the analysis of the derivative’s

the futures market and should be reviewed regularly to ensure effective

fair value should disclose the method


used and related assumptions and


Material changes in the accounting

policies and rules related to the


derivative in the report period

compared to last period

Oppinions of independent directors on

the Company’s derivative investment None

and risk controlling

8. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Main content involved

Time/date Place Way Visitor Visitor

and materials provided


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Onsite Founder Business and future

July 24, 2015 Shenzhen Institution

investigation Securities development


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

IV Financial Statements

1. Financial statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

September 30, 2015


Items Closing balance Ending balance

Current asset:

Monetary capital 450,300,612.69 212,430,798.87

Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

Financial assets measured at

fair value with variations accounted 13,953,770.00 13,410,790.00

into current income account

Derivative financial assets 0.00

Notes receivable 14,609,951.82 83,325,725.70

Account receivable 1,450,379,147.99 1,105,242,251.46

Prepayment 107,964,979.40 29,234,231.49

Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance

contracts receivable

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other receivables 61,871,777.64 48,950,647.67

Repurchasing of financial


Inventory 1,272,828,152.70 982,441,187.05

Assets held for sales

Non-current assets due in 1


Other current assets 45,942,278.93 234,986,107.72


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Total current assets 3,417,850,671.17 2,710,021,739.96

Non-current assets:

Loan and advancement


Sellable financial assets

Investment held until mature

Long-term receivable

Long-term share equity

10,061,818.36 11,048,660.43


Investment real estate 287,015,353.09 226,279,523.39

Fixed assets 488,265,517.18 489,714,684.63

Construction in process 2,455,845.61 341,749.17

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets 5,397.79 26,918.21

Productive biological assets 0.00

Gas & petrol 0.00

Intangible assets 96,291,896.66 98,947,331.09

R&D expense 0.00

Goodwill 26,279,395.89 26,279,395.89

Long-term amortizable

4,558,987.41 4,119,362.63


Deferred income tax assets 68,528,076.13 52,616,656.38

Other non-current assets 50,957,379.48 43,323,878.63

Total of non-current assets 1,034,419,667.60 952,698,160.45

Total of assets 4,452,270,338.77 3,662,719,900.41

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 1,344,717,148.45 1,100,000,000.00

Loans from Central Bank

Deposit received and held for


Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at

fair value with variations accounted

into current income account

Derivative financial liabilities 0.00

Notes payable 307,093,945.97 227,266,485.57


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Account payable 832,984,233.20 685,108,346.73

Prepayment received 96,725,675.40 122,285,231.14

Selling of repurchased financial


Fees and commissions payable

Employees’ wage payable 24,226,386.93 41,703,314.26

Taxes payable 65,205,967.95 58,696,926.25

Interest payable 4,205,484.18 2,055,911.11

Dividend payable

Other payables 74,030,233.89 47,425,682.44

Reinsurance fee payable

Insurance contract provision

Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liabilities due in 1

6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00


Other current liabilities 98,425,600.00

Total current liabilities 2,853,614,675.97 2,290,541,897.50

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans 185,765,450.98

Bond payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Long-term payable 0.00 6,000,000.00

Long-term employees’ wage


Special payables

Anticipated liabilities 374,384.78 5,859,045.98

Deferred earning 9,886,990.43 10,049,892.04

Deferred income tax liabilities 64,535,842.02 49,734,436.90

Other non-current liabilities 0.00

Total of non-current liabilities 260,562,668.21 71,643,374.92

Total liabilities 3,114,177,344.18 2,362,185,272.42

Owner’s equity:


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Share capital 756,909,905.00 756,909,905.00

Other equity tools

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Capital reserves 79,099,220.38 79,099,220.38

Less: Shares in stock

67. Other miscellaneous

91,831.63 91,831.63


Special reserves

Surplus reserves 48,842,080.76 48,842,080.76

Common risk provisions

Retained profit 398,836,118.30 349,987,825.69

Total of owner’s equity belong to the

1,283,779,156.07 1,234,930,863.46

parent company

Minor shareholders’ equity 54,313,838.52 65,603,764.53

Total of owners’ equity 1,338,092,994.59 1,300,534,627.99

Total of liabilities and owner’s

4,452,270,338.77 3,662,719,900.41


Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company


Items Closing balance Ending balance

Current asset:

Monetary capital 112,930,106.34 22,256,065.49

Financial assets measured at

fair value with variations accounted

into current income account

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Account receivable 511,660.60 511,660.60

Prepayment 0.00 50,903.86

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable 15,972,427.17 28,639,627.17

Other receivables 468,393,392.15 254,604,163.79


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report


Assets held for sales

Non-current assets due in 1


Other current assets 1,115,215.15 31,005,620.01

Total current assets 598,922,801.41 337,068,040.92

Non-current assets:

Sellable financial assets

Investment held until mature

Long-term receivable

Long-term share equity

977,133,886.56 1,130,674,559.01


Investment real estate 256,769,421.37 198,513,586.15

Fixed assets 58,314,723.16 60,145,112.89

Construction in process

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Productive biological assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 2,018,506.71 2,256,575.64

R&D expense


Long-term amortizable

343,160.40 81,367.47


Deferred income tax assets 23,963,650.21 22,623,560.72

Other non-current assets 220,000,000.00 220,000,000.00

Total of non-current assets 1,538,543,348.41 1,634,294,761.88

Total of assets 2,137,466,149.82 1,971,362,802.80

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 400,000,000.00 350,000,000.00

Financial liabilities measured at

fair value with variations accounted

into current income account

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Account payable 606,941.85 606,941.85

Prepayment received 694,620.60 832,772.45

Employees’ wage payable 880,743.93 1,956,875.76

Taxes payable 525,049.98 567,424.56

Interest payable 601,388.88 659,266.67

Dividend payable

Other payables 258,209,698.60 270,281,330.40

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liabilities due in 1


Other current liabilities 98,425,600.00

Total current liabilities 759,944,043.84 624,904,611.69

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans

Bond payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Long-term payable

Long-term employees’ wage


Special payables

Anticipated liabilities

Deferred earning

Deferred income tax liabilities 112,494,452.31 97,693,047.19

Other non-current liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities 112,494,452.31 97,693,047.19

Total liabilities 872,438,496.15 722,597,658.88

Owner’s equity:

Share capital 756,909,905.00 756,909,905.00

Other equity tools

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Capital reserves 38,598,565.00 38,598,565.00

Less: Shares in stock

67. Other miscellaneous 91,831.63 91,831.63


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report


Special reserves

Surplus reserves 48,842,080.76 48,842,080.76

Retained profit 420,585,271.28 404,322,761.53

Total of owners’ equity 1,265,027,653.67 1,248,765,143.92

Total of liabilities and owner’s

2,137,466,149.82 1,971,362,802.80


3. Consolidated Income Statement of the Report Period


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Total revenue 692,471,803.42 500,074,083.72

Incl. Business income 692,471,803.42 500,074,083.72

Interest income

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission


2. Total business cost 702,340,264.75 486,029,695.50

Incl. Business cost 604,206,824.70 420,426,989.66

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge


Net claim amount paid

Net insurance policy

reserves provided

Insurance policy dividend


Reinsurance expenses

Business tax and

6,705,953.13 4,107,536.30


Sales expense 17,049,941.22 10,522,482.95

Administrative expense 41,972,129.03 41,082,991.15

Financial expenses 13,731,566.70 4,652,738.11

Asset impairment loss 18,673,849.97 5,236,957.33


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Plus: gains from change of fair

23,353,053.91 2,279,889.00

value (“-“ for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for

-29,732.90 944,870.82


Incl. Investment gains from

-43,837.01 -55,752.10

affiliates and joint ventures

Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)

3. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 13,454,859.68 17,269,148.04

Plus: non-operational income 2,430,547.71 2,637,678.88

Incl. Loss from disposal of


non-current assets

Less: non-operational

29,054.96 484,813.06


Incl. Loss from disposal of

22,418.03 2,602.43

non-current assets

4. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 15,856,352.43 19,422,013.86

Less: Income tax expenses -248,196.41 2,658,308.60

5. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 16,104,548.84 16,763,705.26

Net profit attributable to the

20,237,940.89 18,530,437.37

owners of parent company

Minor shareholders’ equity -4,133,392.05 -1,766,732.11

6. After-tax net amount of other misc.

1,229,057.50 -35,700.00


After-tax net amount of other misc.

1,229,057.50 -35,700.00

incomes attributed to parent's owner

(1) Other misc. incomes that

cannot be re-classified into gain and


1. Change in net liabilities

or assets due to re-measurement set

benefit program

2. Shares enjoyed in other

misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

(2) Other misc. incomes that will

1,229,057.50 -35,700.00

be re-classified into gain and loss

1. Shares enjoyed in other


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

2.Change in the fair value

of financial asset for sale

3 Held-to-mature

investment reclassified as gain and

loss in the financial assets for sales

4. Effective part in the gain

1,229,057.50 -35,700.00

and loss of arbitrage of cash flow

5. Translation difference of

foreign exchange statement

6. Others

After-tax net of other misc. income

attributed to minority shareholders

7. Total of misc. incomes 17,333,606.34 16,728,005.26

Total of misc. incomes

attributable to the owners of the 21,466,998.39 18,494,737.37

parent company

Total misc gains attributable to

-4,133,392.05 -1,766,732.11

the minor shareholders

8. Earnings per share:

(1) Basic earnings per share 0.027 0.024

(2) Diluted earnings per share 0.027 0.024

Net profit contributed by entities merged under common control in the report period was RMB , net profit realized

by parties merged during the previous period is RMB .

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

4. Consolidated Income Statement of the Report Period


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Turnover 7,295,422.90 7,642,085.27

Less: Operation cost 1,283,898.45 1,677,315.63

Business tax and

575,670.62 616,462.21


Sales expense

Administrative expense 6,942,135.20 5,705,314.37


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Financial expenses 3,141,232.06 2,882,171.63

Asset impairment loss -1,237,554.45 9,157.18

Plus: gains from change of fair


value (“-“ for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for

-33,237.01 29,617.76


Incl. Investment gains from

-43,837.01 -55,752.10

affiliates and joint ventures

2. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 22,043,731.92 -3,218,717.99

Plus: non-operational income 722,641.52 470,029.19

Incl. Loss from disposal of


non-current assets

Less: non-operational

989.33 199,914.53


Incl. Loss from disposal of


non-current assets

3. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 22,765,384.11 -2,948,603.33

Less: Income tax expenses 5,831,632.85 -418,160.91

4. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 16,933,751.26 -2,530,442.42

5. After-tax net amount of other

misc. incomes

(1) Other misc. incomes that

cannot be re-classified into gain and


1. Change in net

liabilities or assets due to

re-measurement set benefit program

2. Shares enjoyed in

other misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

(2) Other misc. incomes that will

be re-classified into gain and loss

1. Shares enjoyed in

other misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

2.Change in the fair


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

value of financial asset for sale

3 Held-to-mature

investment reclassified as gain and

loss in the financial assets for sales

4. Effective part in the

gain and loss of arbitrage of cash


5. Translation difference

of foreign exchange statement

6. Others

6. Total of misc. incomes 16,933,751.26 -2,530,442.42

7. Earnings per share:

(1) Basic earnings per share

(2) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Income Statement Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report



Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Total revenue 1,842,587,326.95 1,322,866,822.74

Incl. Business income 1,842,587,326.95 1,322,866,822.74

Interest income

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission


2. Total business cost 1,816,903,028.98 1,267,180,886.26

Incl. Business cost 1,544,694,083.05 1,088,874,433.97

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge


Net claim amount paid

Net insurance policy

reserves provided

Insurance policy dividend



China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Reinsurance expenses

Business tax and

24,243,193.35 15,465,996.01


Sales expense 58,059,078.68 28,767,603.81

Administrative expense 117,519,440.67 108,268,494.31

Financial expenses 39,341,301.37 15,700,216.25

Asset impairment loss 33,045,931.86 10,104,141.91

Plus: gains from change of fair

58,798,815.22 2,279,889.00

value (“-“ for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for

1,518,264.78 1,913,989.32


Incl. Investment gains from

1,213,157.93 -97,559.67

affiliates and joint ventures

Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)

3. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 86,001,377.97 59,879,814.80

Plus: non-operational income 5,856,472.16 5,679,197.28

Incl. Loss from disposal of

50,854.12 233,476.25

non-current assets

Less: non-operational

15,672,186.75 2,546,716.34


Incl. Loss from disposal of

527,223.08 1,572,509.10

non-current assets

4. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 76,185,663.38 63,012,295.74

Less: Income tax expenses 15,919,999.63 7,021,212.14

5. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 60,265,663.75 55,991,083.60

Net profit attributable to the

71,555,589.76 59,300,395.61

owners of parent company

Minor shareholders’ equity -11,289,926.01 -3,309,312.01

6. After-tax net amount of other misc.


After-tax net amount of other misc.

incomes attributed to parent's owner

(1) Other misc. incomes that

cannot be re-classified into gain and


1. Change in net liabilities

or assets due to re-measurement set


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

benefit program

2. Shares enjoyed in other

misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

(2) Other misc. incomes that will

be re-classified into gain and loss

1. Shares enjoyed in other

misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

2.Change in the fair value

of financial asset for sale

3 Held-to-mature

investment reclassified as gain and

loss in the financial assets for sales

4. Effective part in the gain

and loss of arbitrage of cash flow

5. Translation difference of

foreign exchange statement

6. Others

After-tax net of other misc. income

attributed to minority shareholders

7. Total of misc. incomes 60,265,663.75 55,991,083.60

Total of misc. incomes

attributable to the owners of the 71,555,589.76 59,300,395.61

parent company

Total misc gains attributable to

-11,289,926.01 -3,309,312.01

the minor shareholders

8. Earnings per share:

(1) Basic earnings per share 0.095 0.078

(2) Diluted earnings per share 0.095 0.078

Net profit contributed by entities merged under common control in the report period was RMB , net profit realized

by parties merged during the previous period is RMB .

6. Income Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report




China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Turnover 22,672,732.63 21,974,339.52

Less: Operation cost 2,954,114.33 3,806,918.59

Business tax and

1,803,497.27 1,795,575.87


Sales expense

Administrative expense 18,219,065.91 17,022,158.29

Financial expenses 8,262,038.92 8,247,166.15

Asset impairment loss 8,851.54 -44,002.40

Plus: gains from change of fair


value (“-“ for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for

1,279,719.57 -12,189.81


Incl. Investment gains from

1,213,157.93 -97,559.67

affiliates and joint ventures

2. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 50,960,719.45 -8,865,666.79

Plus: non-operational income 1,474,496.81 1,796,297.93

Incl. Loss from disposal of

3,581.20 22,719.41

non-current assets

Less: non-operational

4,093.73 526,936.87


Incl. Loss from disposal of

2,921.41 125,522.34

non-current assets

3. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 52,431,122.53 -7,596,305.73

Less: Income tax expenses 13,461,315.63 -1,518,922.58

4. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 38,969,806.90 -6,077,383.15

5. After-tax net amount of other

misc. incomes

(1) Other misc. incomes that

cannot be re-classified into gain and


1. Change in net

liabilities or assets due to

re-measurement set benefit program

2. Shares enjoyed in

other misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

(2) Other misc. incomes that will

be re-classified into gain and loss

1. Shares enjoyed in

other misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

2.Change in the fair

value of financial asset for sale

3 Held-to-mature

investment reclassified as gain and

loss in the financial assets for sales

4. Effective part in the

gain and loss of arbitrage of cash


5. Translation difference

of foreign exchange statement

6. Others

6. Total of misc. incomes 38,969,806.90 -6,077,383.15

7. Earnings per share:

(1) Basic earnings per share

(2) Diluted earnings per share

7. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report



Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Net cash flow from business


Cash received from sales of

1,476,173,288.50 1,168,322,724.05

products and providing of services

Net increase of customer

deposits and capital kept for brother


Net increase of loans from

central bank

Net increase of inter-bank loans

from other financial bodies

Cash received against original


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

insurance contract

Net cash received from

reinsurance business

Net increase of client deposit

and investment

Increase in proposal of financial

assets measured at fair value with

variations accounted into current

income account

Cash received as interest,

processing fee, and commission

Net increase of inter-bank fund


Net increase of repurchasing


Tax refunded 2,191,881.76 889,173.36

Other cash received from

68,990,592.93 70,054,311.35

business operation

Sub-total of cash inflow from

1,547,355,763.19 1,239,266,208.76

business operations

Cash paid for purchasing

1,496,112,218.86 1,297,947,089.10

products and services

Net increase of client trade and


Net increase of savings in

central bank and brother company

Cash paid for original contract


Cash paid for interest,

processing fee and commission

Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to and for the staff 212,820,541.03 160,019,118.12

Taxes paid 77,538,406.71 64,990,093.66

Other cash paid for business

124,871,059.55 74,918,865.75


Sub-total of cash outflow from

1,911,342,226.15 1,597,875,166.63

business operations

Cash flow generated by business -363,986,462.96 -358,608,957.87


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by


Cash received from investment

349,500,000.00 100,000,000.00


Cash received as investment

2,505,106.85 2,015,277.59


Net cash retrieved from

disposal of fixed assets, intangible 134,190.00 4,579,733.50

assets, and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal

of subsidiaries or other operational


Other investment-related cash



Sub-total of cash inflow generated

352,139,296.85 106,728,511.09

from investment

Cash paid for construction of

fixed assets, intangible assets and 41,971,808.53 28,385,573.09

other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 171,700,000.00 116,340,675.00

Net increase of loan against


Net cash paid for acquiring

subsidiaries and other operational -9,844,140.31


Other cash paid for investment 306,400.00 270,500.00

Subtotal of cash outflows 213,978,208.53 135,152,607.78

Cash flow generated by investment

138,161,088.32 -28,424,096.69

activities, net

3. Cash flow generated by financing


Cash received from investment

Incl. Cash received from

investment attracted by subsidiaries

from minority shareholders

Cash received from borrowed

1,371,417,018.19 944,000,000.00


Cash received from bond


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report


Other cash received from

financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from

1,371,417,018.19 944,000,000.00

financing activities

Cash paid to repay debts 843,132,851.55 283,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

84,496,924.61 52,661,058.83


Incl. Dividend and profit paid by

subsidiaries to minority shareholders

Other cash paid for financing

53,939,000.00 156,090.75


Subtotal of cash outflow from

981,568,776.16 335,817,149.58

financing activities

Net cash flow generated by

389,848,242.03 608,182,850.42

financing activities

4. Influence of exchange rate

changes on cash and cash -24,807.16 664,894.09


5. Net increase in cash and cash

163,998,060.23 221,814,689.95


Plus: Balance of cash and cash

102,638,232.19 285,237,255.38

equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash

266,636,292.42 507,051,945.33

equivalents at the end of the period

8. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report



Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Net cash flow from business


Cash received from sales of

16,554,613.66 18,385,573.41

products and providing of services

Tax refunded

Other cash received from

1,075,111,750.73 1,132,208,446.25

business operation

Sub-total of cash inflow from 1,091,666,364.39 1,150,594,019.66


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

business operations

Cash paid for purchasing

43,918,453.72 4,594,088.02

products and services

Cash paid to and for the staff 11,510,697.67 11,592,919.43

Taxes paid 2,111,259.38 2,107,786.71

Other cash paid for business

1,104,733,516.84 1,128,883,942.80


Sub-total of cash outflow from

1,162,273,927.61 1,147,178,736.96

business operations

Cash flow generated by business

-70,607,563.22 3,415,282.70

operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by


Cash received from investment

30,000,000.00 20,000,000.00


Cash received as investment

25,034,495.04 39,441,369.86


Net cash retrieved from

disposal of fixed assets, intangible 4,190.00 171,007,300.50

assets, and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal

of subsidiaries or other operational


Other investment-related cash


Sub-total of cash inflow generated

55,038,685.04 230,448,670.36

from investment

Cash paid for construction of

fixed assets, intangible assets and 761,887.01 1,269,764.57

other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 245,061,653.00

Net cash paid for acquiring

subsidiaries and other operational


Other cash paid for investment

Subtotal of cash outflows 761,887.01 246,331,417.57

Cash flow generated by investment

54,276,798.03 -15,882,747.21

activities, net


China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. 2015 Third Quarter Report

3. Cash flow generated by financing


Cash received from investment

Cash received from borrowed

447,801,567.21 396,000,000.00


Cash received from bond


Other cash received from

financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from

447,801,567.21 396,000,000.00

financing activities

Cash paid to repay debts 300,000,000.00 200,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

40,796,763.77 31,127,433.82


Other cash paid for financing



Subtotal of cash outflow from

340,796,763.77 231,283,524.57

financing activities

Net cash flow generated by

107,004,803.44 164,716,475.43

financing activities

4. Influence of exchange rate

changes on cash and cash


5. Net increase in cash and cash

90,674,038.25 152,249,010.92


Plus: Balance of cash and cash

22,006,065.49 67,973,808.76

equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash

112,680,103.74 220,222,819.68

equivalents at the end of the period

2. Auditor‘s report

Whether the Q3 report is audited

□ Yes √ No

The Q3 Report is not audited.

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming

October 24, 2015



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