瓦 轴B:2015年第三季度报告正文(英文版)

来源:深交所 2015-10-23 10:30:33

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited the Q3 abstract for 2015

Stock code:200706 Stock ID:Wazhou B Announcement No.2015-42

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited the Q3 abstract for 2015

Chapter I. Important Prompts

The board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and the top management guarantee there is no false

record, misleading statement or major omission in the report, and take responsibilities for the truth, accuracy and

completeness of the contents.

All the directors attend the board meeting.

The charger of company Mr. Meng Wei, financial controller Ms. Sun Najuan and the charger of accounting department

Ms. Yao Chunjuan made the statement: guarantee the truth, completeness of the financial report of the third quarter report.

Chapter II. Main financial dates and shareholder changes

2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators

Unit: Yuan


2015.09.30 2014.12.31 between the end of current

period and last year

Total assets(RMB) 3,568,754,718.27 3,935,819,231.85 -9.33%

Owner’s Equity Attributed to

Shareholders of Listed 1,318,206,760.37 1,381,844,988.72 -4.61%


2015.07-.09 +/-(%) to period 2015.01-.09 +/-(%) to period

Turnover(RMB) 558,567,387.61 -17.93% 1,726,661,066.95 -25.63%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

-4,050,974.19 -85.58% -63,638,228.35 -37.88%

the listed company(RMB)

Net profit attributable to the shareholders

of the

-8,179,845.87 -73.11% -73,597,355.13 44.59%

listed company and after deducting of

non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)

Net Cash flow generated by business

179,596,032.54 44.55%


Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share) -0.010 -85.71% -0.16 45.45%

Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share) -0.010 -85.71% -0.16 45.45%

Net assets yield (%) -0.30% 1.62% -4.71% -1.62%

Abnormal profit and loss items

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan

Abnormal profit and loss items 2015.01-2015.09

Profits and losses relating to disposal of fixed assets 869,570.71

Government grants recorded into profit or loss during current



Profits and losses relating to the debt restructure 6,605,256.93

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -61,066.60

Less: Influenced amount of income tax 1,121,064.16

Total 9,959,126.78

For the Company‘s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure

for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public–Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items as

illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the

Public–Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the


□Applicable √Inapplicable

2.2. The statement of total number of shareholders and the first 10 shareholders of current shares in

the end of the report period

Unit: Share

Total number of shareholder at the end of

report period

The situation of the first 10 shareholders of current shares

Total shares Non-current Impawned or Frozen Shares

Name Nature Ratio(%)

held shares held Status Amount

Wafangdian Bearing State-owned

60.60% 244,000,000 244,000,000

Group Corporation shareholder


AKTIEBOLAGET SKF 19.70% 79,300,000 0 Frozen 79,300,000



Huang Junyue 0.81% 3,250,000 0



0.77% 3,120,000 0

LIMITED shareholder



SECURITIES(HONGK 0.44% 1,754,284




Hu Xiaofeng 0.42% 1,708,577 0



Jin Yunhua 0.41% 1,645,513 0



KGI ASIA LIMITED 0.22% 878,710 0


MAN,KWAI Foreign private

0.18% 713,101 0

WING文贵荣 shareholder


Zhou Junlin 0.13% 523,100 0


The situation of the first 10 shareholders of current shares

Category of Shares

Name Current shares held at end of year (Note 4)

Categories Amount

AKTIEBOLAGET SKF 79,300,000 B 79,300,000

Huang Junyue 3,250,000 B 3,250,000

BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED 3,120,000 B 3,120,000


1,754,284 B 1,754,284


Hu Xiaofeng 1,708,577 B 1,708,577

Jin Yunhua 1,645,513 B 1,645,513

KGI ASIA LIMITED 878,710 B 878,710

MAN,KWAI WING文贵荣 713,101 B 713,101

Zhou Junlin 523,100 B 523,100

Yang Yufei 502,278 B 502,278

Notes to relationship or “action in There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and other


concert”among the top ten shareholders. shareholders or the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among other shareholders,

top ten circulation shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders and other shareholders was

not clear.

Whether the top ten shareholders with common stock and top ten shareholders with unlimited common stock agree with the

company to buy back the stock or not?

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Chart of preferred stock shareholders and the first tenth shareholders holding shares

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Chapter III. Important Items

3.1 The great changes in company’s key financial statement, financial indicators, and the reasons

√Applicable □Not applicable

Beginning End of year +/-(%) to

No. Items peirod Explanation


Mainly because the customer payment collection

decrease compared with last peirod.besides, the

1 Monetary fund 10,462.0 18,056.9 -42.1%

company purchase the SKF Wazhou 51% euqity,the

bank letter of credit with 11.25 million Yuan is expired.

Mainly because the payment in advance to part of

clients decrease compared with year beginning,of

Accounts received in

2 2,729.4 4,403.1 -38.0% which the Shanxi Taigang stainless steel decrease


with 11.58 million Yuan,Zhejiang Wuzhouxinchun

decrease 6.22 million Yuan.

The Dividends receivable at the year beginning is the

3 Dividends receivable - 24.0 -100.0% dividend from Shanghai ME machine-lelctrical

equipment chain Ltd of 2013 with 0.24 million Yuan.

Mainly because the offsetinput tax re-classsify to this

items is 10.79 million Yuan at the end of report

4 Other current assets 3,002.7 1,921.2 56.3%

peirod,which is 21.78 million Yuan at the year


In order to reduce the financing cost,the company cut

down the short loan.besides,the company increase

5 Short-term loan 1,377.0 2,453.4 -43.9% the order financing with 56.43 million Yuan which

accounted into account payable, and the long-term

note to the clients increase.

6 Note paybale 23,500.0 49,800.0 -52.8% The long-term note to the clients increase.

Non-current liabilities The long-term loan expired within 1 year is 50 million

7 31,980.8 20,686.7 54.6%

due within I year Yuan,which is 90 million Yuan in the last peirod.

There is a new long-term loan with 90 million

8 Long-term loan 5,000.0 9,000.0 -44.4%


There is a new long-term loan with 90 million

9 Long- term loan 9,000.0 5,000.0 80.0%


2015.1.1- +/-(%) to

No. Items Last peirod Explanation

9.30 period

Mainly because the company switch the withdrawed

Loss of impairment of inventory falling price reserves with 3.7 million Yuan,

10 -368.5 110.8 -432.4%

assets while write-off the account differences with Zhongqi

qiaoxiang with 0.91 million Yuan.

The investment income from SKF Wazhou in the last

11 Investment income 0.0 361.3 -100.0%

peirod is 3.613 million Yuan.


1.the gains from debt restructuring increase 5.43

million Yuan compared with last peirod;2. the gains

Non-operating from non-current asset increase 770 thousand

12 1,182.8 761.9 55.2%

revenue Yuan;3.other income reduce 2.22 million

Yuan(Liaozhou write-off account payable with 2.04

million Yuan.)

1.the losses from debt restructuring decrease 1.46

13 Non-operating cost 74.8 161.6 -53.8% million Yuan;2.the losses from non-current asset

disposal increase with 490 thousan Yuan,

1.The mian business is 15.6344 billion Yuan which

decrease with 479.33 million Yuan,the decrease rate

is 23.5%,which lead to gross profit decrease about

40.79 million Yuan.while in the report peirod the mian

business gorss profit rate is 9.6%, increase

14 Net profit -6,363.8 -4,553.9 39.7% 1.1%,and the gross profit is 17.04 millionYuan.2.other

business income is 163.22 million Yuan,decrease with

115.60 million Yuan,the rate is 41.5%,lead to gross

profit with 15.67 million Yuan,while in the reprot

peirod,the gorss rate is 8.9%,decrease 4.6% lead to a

profit decrease with 7.58 million Yuan.

Mainly because the waste income is accounted into

Other cash received

the item of cash received from sale of goods or

15 relating to operating -6,363.8 -4,553.9 39.7%

rendering of services which was accounted into other


cash received relating to investing activities

Mainly because the added-value tax is 22.32 million

16 Income tax expense 222.9 1,230.6 -81.9% Yuan,decrease 16.11 million Yuan cmpared with last


Mainly because receive the dividend from Shanghai

Cash received from

17 3,835.2 5,642.7 -32.0% ME machine-lelctrical equipment chain Ltd of 2012

investment incomes

with 0.24 million Yuan.

Cash paid to acquire

fixed assets, 1.the payment of import manchine with 29.69 million

18 intangible assets and 0.0 24.0 -100.0% Yuan in the last peirod;2.the bank note payment

other long-term decrease 8.74 million Yuan compared with last peirod.


Mainly because purchase the SKF Wazhou 51%

Cash paid to acquire

19 1,027.9 4,372.9 -76.5% euqity,the bank letter of credit with 11.25 million Yuan


is expired.

Effects of foreign Mainly because the US eschange rate is low in the

20 exchange rate 1,125.0 0.0 first half year,but,after August,the eschange rate

changes on cash increase continually,which lead to a exchange income.

3.2 The situation of major items in progress and the analysis explanation on its effect and resolved



3.3 The fulfillment of the items that the company, shareholder with more than 5% shares and the actual

controller etc. during the report period, or before it.

□ Applicable √Not applicable

3.4 Operation forecast for year 2015

□ Applicable √Not applicable

3.5 Security investment information


Statement of holding other listing company equity

□Applicable √Not applicable

3.6 Statement of holding other listing company equity

□Applicable √Not applicable

3.7 Derivative products investment information

□ Applicable √Not applicable

3.8 Reception of investigations,communications,or interviews in the report period

Main content involved and

Time/date Place Way Type of visitors Visitors

material provided

Telephone The general information of

July 16,2015 Office Private investor Private investor

communication the company

Telephone The general information of

August 5,2015 Office Private investor Private investor

communication the company



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