大 冷B:关于控股股东对公司子公司提供财务资助的关联交易公告(英文版)

来源:深交所 2015-10-22 00:00:00

Stock Code: 000530; 200530 No: 2015-058

Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

Public Notice on Related Transaction of Financial Assistance

Provided by Controlling Shareholder to Subsidiary of the Company

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and its whole members of Board of

Directors ensure that the public notice is real, accurate and complete, and there are

no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this


I. Introduction of related transaction

1. General information

To ease the pressure of demand for construction funds of Wuhan New World

Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd. (WNWRI), the subsidiary of the Company, Dalian

Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. (“Bingshan Group”), the controlling shareholder of the

Company, provided financial assistance to WNWRI by its own funds with the highest

balance not exceeding 20 million yuan, period not exceeding 12 months, and service

fee charged in accordance with the bank loan interest rate with the same period.

2. Bingshan Group held 21.34% equity of the Company, thus become related legal

persons of the Company, and the above said transaction constitutes related


3. The 21st Meeting of 6th Session of the Board held on 20 October 2015 was

deliberated the above said related transaction with voting results of 7 votes in favor, 0

vote against and 0 vote waived passed. Related directors Ji Zhijian and Xu Junrao

were avoiding the votes. Independent directors showed prior approval for the above

mentioned related transaction and air independent opinions.

4. The related transaction did not constitute material assets reorganization regulated in

“Management Method of Material Assets Reorganization for Listed Company”, no

need to approve by Shareholders’ General Meeting.

II. General information of related party

1. General information of Bingshan Group

Enterprise Nature: Limited Liability (Sino-foreign joint venture)

Registration location: No. 888, Xinan Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City

Legal representative: Motoma Zhero

Registered capital: RMB 140.6 million

Serial of business license: 210200400033329

Business scope: Research, development, manufacture, sales, service and installation

of industrial refrigeration products, frozen and refrigerated products, medium and

small air conditioner, petrochemical equipment, electronic control products, home

appliances products and environmental protection equipment products.

Main shareholders: please see the annual report of the Company.

2. History of related party and development of main business in latest years

Dalian Bingshan Group established on 3 July 1985, it is a mixed ownership enterprise

owned with a diversified investors. Bingshan Group mainly focus on thermal

technology, business covers filed of industrial refrigerating and general petrochemical

enterprise, food refrigeration and freezing, central and commercial air conditioning,

spare parts business, engineeringtrading and service business.

3. Relationship between the Company and relate party

Bingshan Group holds 21.34% equity of the Company, and it is the first majority

shareholder of the Company.

III. Particular about object of related transaction

The object of related transaction was financial assistance provided by Bingshan

Group to WNWRI. The highest balance will not exceed 20 million yuan.

IV. Pricing policy and basis of pricing

The borrowing rate referred to the bank loan interest rate with the same period.

V. Purpose of transaction and impact on listed company

The financial assistance provided by Bingshan Group to WNWRI could ease the

pressure of demand for construction funds of WNWRI, promote business

development of WNWRI, thus protect the rights and interests of the Company.

VI. Total amount of vary related transactions incurred accumulatively with affiliated

person from the year beginning to the disclosure date

Other related transactions incurred between the Company and Bingshan Group

amounting to RMB 25.86 million.

VII. Prior approval and independent opinions from independent director

Independent directors of the Company showed prior approval for the proposal dated

15 October 2015 and agreed to submit for deliberation in 21st Meeting of 6th Session

of the Board. They believed that the related transaction was fair without interest of

Company and minority shareholders violated, and could ease the pressure of demand

for construction funds of WNWRI; voting procedure of this related transaction was

legally and related directors avoiding the vote and was in full accord for the


VIII. Documents available for reference

1. Resolution of 21st Meeting of 6th Session of the Board;

2. Independent directors’ opinion.

Board of Directors of

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

22 October 2015


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