大 冷B:2015年第三季度报告正文(英文版)

来源:深交所 2015-10-22 10:30:33

Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B No: 2015-056



§1 Important Notes

1.1 The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the Supervisory Board, and Senior staff

members of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are

no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this report, and shall take all

responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.

1.2 The Company’s quarterly financial report has not been audited.

1.3 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Ji Zhijian, Financial Majordomo Ms. Rong Yan and

the head of Accounting Department Ms. Mao Chunhua hereby confirm that the financial report of the quarterly

report is true and complete.

1.4 This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two

above-mentioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

§2 Major accounting data and changes of shareholders

2.1 Major accounting data and financial indexes

Is there any traceable adjustment to the financial statements for the previous report period?

□ Yes √No


2015.9.30 2014.12.31

over 2014.12.31

Total assets 3,756,069,397.24 3,053,930,248.25 22.99%

Shareholder’s equity attributable to

2,526,677,360.72 1,967,027,256.13 28.45%

parent company

Increase/decrease Increase/decrease over

2015.7-9 2015.1-9

over 2014.7-9 2014.1-9

Total operating income 484,517,139.92 25.53% 1,196,257,482.05 3.05%

Net profit attributable to parent

33,950,019.32 14.11% 99,427,795.31 3.32%


Net profit attributable to parent

company after deducting 33,885,912.04 15.55% 97,766,240.55 4.99%

non-recurring gains/losses

Net cash generated from operating

-- -- -165,467,951.74 -851.28%


Basic earnings per share 0.10 11.11% 0.28 3.70%

Diluted earnings per share 0.10 11.11% 0.28 3.70%

Increase 0.13 Decrease0.10

Return on equity 1.65%

percentage points


percentage points

Amount from beginning of

Item of non-recurring gains and losses year to the end of report


Profit and loss from disposal of non-current assets 14,675.21

Tax return or exemption exceeding authority or without formal authorization



Government subsidies which were included in the current profits and losses 1,769,792.28

Other non-operating incomes and expenses except the above mentioned 159,853.31

Income tax effects 301,245.38

Minority equity interests effects (after tax) -13,876.03

Total 1,661,554.76


2.2 Total number and particulars of the shareholders by the end of the report period

Total shareholders at the end of report



Shareholding of top ten shareholders

Number of shares Number of

Name Nature Proportion Total number with sale pledged shares

restriction or shares frozen

Domestic non-state-owned legal

Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. 21.34% 76,855,683 19,213,921


SANYO ELECTRIC CO LTD Foreign legal person 9.72% 35,001,500 0

National Social Security Fund 107

Others 2.65% 9,599,507 0


Lion flexible configuration hybrid

Others 2.08% 7,485,593 0

securities investment fund

Vanguard harmony growth hybrid

Others 1.27% 4,568,929 0

securities investment fund

Schroder, state owned enterprises

reform and flexible allocation of Others 0.88% 3,174,350 0

securities investment funds

Wells Fargo in the securities investment

funds of the securities investment fund

Others 0.77% 2,779,721 0

of the state owned enterprise reform


Lin Zhenming Foreign natural person 0.76% 2,740,000 0

China industry selected hybrid

Others 0.72% 2,579,716 0

securities investment fund

Sun Huiming Domestic natural person 0.70% 2,504,566 0

Particulars about shares held by the top ten negotiable shareholders not subject to conditional sales

Name of shareholder EORP (shares) Type

Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. 57,641,762 A


National Social Security Fund 107 Portfolio 9,599,507 A

Lion flexible configuration hybrid securities investment fund 7,485,593 A

Vanguard harmony growth hybrid securities investment fund 4,568,929 A

Schroder, state owned enterprises reform and flexible allocation of securities

3,174,350 A

investment funds

Wells Fargo in the securities investment funds of the securities investment fund

2,779,721 A

of the state owned enterprise reform index

Lin Zhenming 2,740,000 B

China industry selected hybrid securities investment fund 2,579,716 A

Sun Huiming 2,504,566 B

Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the

association relationship with Sanyo Electric Co.,

Notes to the associated relationship and uniform actions of the above

Ltd. among the above shareholders. Sanyo


Electric Co., Ltd. holds 30% of Dalian Bingshan

Group Co., Ltd.'s equity.

Did the Company's shareholders conduct the agreed repurchase transactions in the reporting period?

□ Yes √ No

Information on the total number of preferred shareholders and the shares held by top ten preferred shareholders as

of the end of the reporting period

□ Yes √ No


§3 Important Matters

3.1 Major changes in main financial items and indexes, and description of the cause

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

1. Monetary fund reduced obviously over that of year-beginning, mainly because the equity transfer amount of the

Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd., Dalian Sanyo High Efficient Freezing System Co., Ltd, Changzhou

Jingxue Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. and Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd. are paid in the


2. Note receivable increased obviously over that of year-beginning, mainly because the note receivable paid for

goods are increased in the Period from clients;

3. Account receivable increased significantly over that of year-beginning, mainly because the normal payment

collection are affected by the financial strain from client in the Period;

4. Account paid in advance increased obviously over that of year-beginning, mainly because the purchasing of

equipment paid advance and engineering amount paid in advance in the Period;

5. Financial assets available for sale increased obviously over that of year-beginning, mainly because the equity of

Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd., hold by the Company, are transferred by market price due to the listing of Guotai

Junan shares in the Period;

6. Construction in process has a significant increase over that of year-beginning, mainly because the civil

construction increased in the Period;

7. Wages payable has a significant decrease over that of year-beginning, mainly because the wages which has been

accrual at end of last year are paid in the Period;

8. Tax payable has a significant increase over that of year-beginning, mainly due to the increase of the VAT in the


9. Sales expenses have a significant decreased on a y-o-y basis, mainly because after the service platform

established, the corresponding human cost from original after-sale service business, which reckoned in sales

expenses, are calculated in the business costs under the name of Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.;

and sales resources of the parent company and subsidiaries are integrated after sales platform established, thus the

cost reduced and benefit increased;

10. Financial expenses have a significant increased on a y-o-y basis, mainly because time deposit reduced, so the

interest income declined;

11. Assets impairment loss has a significant decreased on a y-o-y basis, mainly because the receivable for

long-aged are declined in the Period, the bad debt provision accural decreased;

12. Net cash flow arising from operation activities have a significant decreased on a y-o-y basis, mainly because the

cash received from good sales and rendering of services are declined in the Period;

13. Net cash flow arising from investment activities have a significant decreased on a y-o-y basis, mainly because

the equity transfer amount paid in the Period;

14. Net cash flow arising from financing activities have a significant increased on a y-o-y basis, mainly because the

equity subscription of the restricted shares from incentive objects are received in the Period.

3.2 Analytic description of major matters, their influence and solutions

Applicable√ Inapplicable

3.3 Commitments of the Company or its shareholders holding 5% or higher of the shares in the reporting period or

carried to the reporting period

Applicable√ Inapplicable

3.4 Precautions on forecasting of 2015, the accumulated net profit may be turned into loss or change greatly

compared with that in the same period of the last year, and description of the cause

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3.5 Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3.6 Held other listed companies' equity

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Proportion of share

Amount of primary Quantity (Shares) Book value at the

Name of object held equity in that Profit and loss within period

investment held end of period


Guotai Junan

30,098,895.00 30,098,895 0.39% 559,839,447.00 0.00

Secunities Co., Ltd

Total 30,098,895.00 30,098,895 - 559,839,447.00 0.00

3.7 Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the Company does not exist derivative investment.

3.8 Table of investigation, communication, interview received

Topic in discussion

Reception Reception Type of received

Reception form Received persons and provided

time location persons



July. 01, 2015 Field investigation Institution Liu Zhijun from GF Securities


Company’s She Weichao from Orient Securities Co., Ltd

July. 15, 2015 Field investigation Institution

office and other 9 persons.

Company’s Wang Huajun, Lichen from China Galaxy

July. 31, 2015 Field investigation Institution

office Securities.

Company’s Telephone Liu Zhijun, Cai Hengyang from GF Securities

Aug. 21, 2015 Institution

office communication and other 26 persons

Xiao Qunxi from Huatai Securities and other 32

Aug. 25, 2015 Shanghai Field investigation Institution


In Guotai Junan

Securities Huang Kun from Guotai Junan Securities and Information about

Aug. 26, 2015 Shanghai Institution

other 23 persons the fundamentals of


the Company


Li Chen, Dingbo from China Galaxy Securities.


Aug. 28, 2015 Field investigation Institution Du Chaoshui from Xi Niu investment .Guan


Meng from CITIC Securities

Da Lian Securities Regulatory Commission, Da

2015 investors go Institutions and

The into the Dalian area individuals Lian Listing Corporation union, Da Lian


Company listing Corporation

series of activities Securities Association and Institution and

individual investors from Da Lian


Sep.23 2015 Field investigation Institution He Siyuan from Hua Chuang Securities.


Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

October 22, 2015



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