Share’s name: Jiangling Motors Share’s code: 000550 No.: 2015-048
Jiangling B 200550
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Public Announcement on the Resolutions of
2015 Second Special Shareholders’ Meeting
The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its
members, and the senior executives undertake that the information disclosed
herein is truthful, accurate and complete and does not contain false statements,
misrepresentations or major omissions.
I. Important Note
None of proposals was added, rejected and changed during the shareholders’ meeting.
II. Convening Status of the Meeting
1. Time: 3: 00 p.m., October 16, 2015
2. Place: the conference centre on the second floor of the Administration Building of
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘JMC’)
3. Convening method: vote on the spot as well as online voting.
4. Convener: Board of Directors of JMC
5. Meeting Chairman: Chairman Wang Xigao
6. The convening of the meeting complied with the stipulations of the Company Law,
the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks and the Articles of Association of JMC.
III. Attending Status of the Meeting
Presence in Person Online voting Total
Persons Representing Representing Persons Representing Representing Persons Representing Representing
Type shares shares as % of shares shares as % of shares shares as % of
the total share the total share the total share
capital capital capital
A share 2 355,390,833 41.17 1 3,700 - 3 355,394,533 41.17
B share 2 306,737,922 35.53 0 0 - 2 306,737,922 35.53
Total 4 662,128,755 76.71 1 3,700 - 5 662,132,455 76.71
including: 2 31,724,361 3.68 1 3,700 - 3 31,728,061 3.68
IV. Proposal Review and Voting
Proposal on Electing Mr. Li Xianjun as an Independent Director of the Eighth Board
of Directors of JMC
Favor Against Abstention
Type Shares percentage Shares percentage Shares percentage
(%) (%) (%)
A share 355,390,833 99.99 3,700 0.01 0 -
B share 306,629,611 99.97 0 - 108,311 0.03
Total 662,020,444 99.98 3,700 - 108,311 0.02
including: 31,616,050 99.65 3,700 0.01 108,311 0.34
Voting result: The proposal was approved.
V. Legal Opinion Issued by the Lawyer
1. Name of Law Firm: Jiangxi Hua Bang Law Firm
2. Name of the lawyer: Zhou Zhen, Li Xiaoxia
3. Legal opinion: the convening, the qualification of the shareholders or proxy, vote
procedure and other relevant items of the meeting complied with the stipulations of
the Laws & Requirements and the Articles of Association of the Company, and the
resolutions of the meeting were legitimate and valid.
VI. Documents for Reference
1. The Minutes of the 2015 Second Special Shareholders’ Meeting of Jiangling
Motors Corporation, Ltd.
2. Legal Opinion issued by Jiangxi Hua Bang Law Firm on the 2015 Second Special
Shareholders’ Meeting of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Board of Directors
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
October 17, 2015